Old Home page of Daniel K. Schneider @ TECFA
The new one is at http://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/schneider/
I am an associate professor at TECFA (educational technology unit) in the School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva. Areas
of interest: Communication and information systems, educational
technology, social science methodology, and teaching. My work is devoted about
2/5 to technology and ideas prospection (currently Foundations of Educational Technology and Information & Communication Systems), 1/5 to development, 1/5 to real
1/5 to administration (software installation and adaptation
helping to maintain our various Internet servers,...),
2/5 to teaching. I have a Ph.D. in political science, but you may see
me as a technical research associate and educator familiar with a
wide range of methodologies and techniques.
En français: Professeur associé et responsable informatique de TECFA, Dr. en sciences économiques et sciences sociales (mention science politique). Domaines de spécialisation: technologies de l'éducation, systèmes d'information et de communication (Internet) , intelligence artificielle et sciences sociales, méthodologie des sciences sociales.
I have a more or less up-to-date CV in french (PDF). This URL has been around for the last 19 years, because cool ones don't change, only contents do ! On April 15 2003 I exchanged my 12-year old portrait and in 2015 you may get an update :)
Getting in touch
Try email. If I don't answer, try again or call. Don't post messages on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Learning management systems or other online services. Chances are low that I will see these.
Dynamic home pages
This page is very rarely updated (maybe once per year), therefore see the next two items:- EduTech Wiki
- My Blog is embedded in EduTech Wiki (Atom or RSS).
1. R&D Interests
Current:- I am interested in the foundations of educational technology, in particular activity-based instructional designs and am trying to "map out" our field in the English version of EduTech Wiki. It's embryo was financed by eTeach-Net (2004-2006), a swiss virtual campus project of which I was coordinator. I strongly believe in open contents.
- I track initiatives on educational design and modeling languages.
- I also am co-leader of a DUAL-T sub-project. DUAL-T is a leading house funded by the Federal Office of Labour (BBT/OFFT). It conducts research on the use of learning technologies in vocational training.
- Im am still insterested in modular and open Information & Communication Systems that are useful for "activity-based" teaching and learning. I don't think that WBT or so-called "e-learning" systems are all that useful or interesting. Some of these issues were adressed in past by the SEED project that I was heading. Right now, the "hot" developments are done with some kind of "web.2" technology, e.g. personal learning environments, e-portfolios or Personal research and teaching environments. Not much will change probably, but Web 2.0 services are a chance to escape from increasingly repressive administrations and computer "services".
- I also keep in touch with technology, e.g. XML, Flash, web 2.0 services, Digital design and microfabrication. I teach some of that stuff in my "Sciences et Technologies de l'information et de la communication" courses (STIC I, STIC II, STIC III, STIIV ). For most of my courses I now use edutechwiki (either the French or the English version).
- Virtual environments: "Text-based virtual environments" (See e.g. the The TecfaMOO Page and My educational VR page) "VRML-based virtual worlds" (See e.g. VRML 2 Pointers and Kaspar's Cyberspace Pointers)
- Cooperative Work: See for example the old The TecfaMOO Page (MUDs are cooperative environments almost by definition)
- Advanced Learning Environments (AI & Ed): See e.g. the the Memolab Project (well it has been years ago, but sometimes I hope bringing back some AI to my current work).
2. Some Writings and Publications 
Working papers and other informal publications
- The WWW, A Distributed Hypermedia over Internet (Paper written for Learntec 94)
- The World-Wide Web in Education (with Kayla Block, paper written for the Andrea Newsletter, 1995).
- The VMDL/MOO Report (with Sandrine Tognotti and Patrick Mendelsohn, 1995).
- Virtual Environments for Education, Research and Life (with R. Godard, WWW5 position paper, 1996).
- Towards Integrated Learning and Teaching Environments (WWW6 workshop paper, 1997).
- Le rôle de l'Internet dans la formation supérieure: scénarii et technologies (paper for invited talks, Tunis & Alger 2001)
- Schneider, Daniel Conception et implémentation de scénarios pédagogiques riches avec des portails communautaires, Papier présenté au "second colloque de Guéret, Les communautés virtuelles éducatives, Juin 2003 [FOR SALE: Je peux reécrire cela pour un chapitre de livre si qqn. est intéressé])
- Schneider, Daniel (2004) , Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites, Working paper, "Future of Learning" Workshop, Sevilla 2003 (a shorter version is published).
- Daniel Schneider with Paraskevi Synteta, Catherine Frété, Fabien Girardin, Stéphane Morand, (2003), Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites: clear focus and fuzzy edges. ICOOL International Conference on Open and Online Learning, December 7-13, 2003, University of Mauritius. (A shorter revised version is published).
- The TECFA SEED Catalog. An evolving document that aims at supporting teachers in classes and virtual communities to design innovative activity-based educational scenarios and make the most of supporting portal technology. (100 pages on June 2004 and growing).
- EduTech Wiki Started in 2006, currently over 1000 articles
- Schneider, Daniel (2004), Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites, in Mario Tokoro and Luc Steels (eds.) The Future of Learning II, Sharing representations and Flow in Collaborative Learning Environments, IOS Press, 2004.
- Schneider, Daniel. (2005) "Gestaltung kollektiver und kooperativer Lernumgebungen" in Euler & Seufert (eds.), E-Learning in Hochschulen und Bildungszentren. Gestaltungshinweise für pädagogische Innovationen, München: Oldenbourg.
[ Hier ist eine fast endgültige Version des Kapitels. ] - Daniel Schneider & Paraskevi Synteta (2005). Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites, in Senteni,A. Taurisson,A. Innovative Learning & Knowledge Communities / les communautés virtuelles: apprendre, innover et travailler ensemble", ICOOL 2003 & Colloque de Guéret 2003 selected papers, a University of Mauritius publication, under the auspices of the UNESCO, ISBN-99903-73-19-1.
- Intelligent Learning Environments (Memolab Overview Report) (Dillenbourg, Hilario, Mendelsohn, Schneider, Borcic, 1993).
- Collaborative learning and the Internet (with Pierre Dillenbourg, 1995)
- The design of MOO agents: Implications from a study on multi-modal collaborative problem solving (Dillenbourg, Jermann, Schneider, Traum and Buiu, 1997).
- Dillenbourg, P., Traum, D. Schneider, D., (1997), Grounding in Multi-modal Task-Oriented Collaboration, Euro AI&Education. .
- Semi-structured interface in collaborative problem-solving (Jermann, Schneider, 1997).
- Schneider, D., Frété, C., Synteta, V. (2002) Community, Content and Collaboration Management Systems: socio-constructivist scenarios for the masses? Short Paper at Ed Media 2002. [ You also can consult the slides of my talk (PDF) ]
- Schneider, D., Frété, C., Synteta, V., (2002) Community, Content and Collaboration Management Systems in Education: A new chance for socio-constructivist scenarios?, 3rd Congress on Information and Communication Technologies in Education Rhodes, September 26th-29th 2002.
- Class, Barbara et Schneider, Daniel, (2004). Tutorat, socio-constructivisme et capitalisation des connaissances dans un portail communautaire utilisé en éducation à distance, Colloque sur "L'industrialisation du tutorat en formation à distance"
- Dessus, Philippe et Schneider, Daniel Scénarisation de l'enseignement et contraintes de la situation, In J.-P. Pernin & H. Godinet (2006). (Eds.), Colloque Scénariser l'enseignement et l'apprentissage : une nouvelle compétence pour le praticien ? (pp. 13-18). Lyon : INRP.
- Schneider, Daniel. K. (2008). Edutech Wiki - an all-in-one solution to support whole scholarship? Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008
- Daniel K. Schneider, Kalli Benetos, Jean-Philippe Pernin and Valérie Emin (2009), Subjective representations of educational design systems, VIDLATEL 2009, First International Workshop on Visual Design Languages and Applications for Technology Enhanced Learning in conjunction with IEEE ICALT 2009, July 17, 2009, Riga, Latvia. There is also a longer 4 page version
- Daniel K. Schneider, Kalliopi Benetos and Martine Ruchat (2011). Mediawikis for research, teaching and learning, In T. Bastiaens & M. Ebner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 2084-2093). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
- Depover, C. & Schneider, D. (2012). Opportunities and requirements for socio-constructivist learning in Web 2.0. In T. Amiel & B. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 1861-1869). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/41002.
- Sugar Chmiel, A. & Schneider, D. (2012). Exploring the use of a non-linear learning module with interactive video. In T. Amiel & B. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 1239-1247). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/40909.
- Schneider, D., Class, B., Benetos, K. & Lange, M. (2012). Requirements for learning scenario and learning process analytics. In T. Amiel & B. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 1632-1641). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/40963. --- Learning process analytics (Modified Wiki version)
- Modélisation de la démarche du décideur politique dans la perspective de l'intelligence artificielle. (ugly fm->html, outdated translation of the original submission, better check the PDF version). PDF / Postscript files for A4 format, but should fit US "letter" size: 1700 K PDF (>400 pages A4) * 1100 K PDF gzipped (>400 pages A4) * 2900 K PS (>400 pages A4) * 670 K PS gzipped (>400 pages A4) * 2900 K PS (200 pages, i.e. 2 pages per physical A4 page)* 670 K PS gzipped (200 pages, i.e. 2 pages per physical A4 page).
3. Talks & workshops 
(Some) Talks:
- The WWW in Education (Abstract and Slides for FLISH95)
- Réseaux et Environnements Virtuels pour l'Education et la Recherche (95, Slides PS Format)
- Brazil 97 (2 talks and 2 workshops on Internet in education, CMC, advanced learning environments and multi-user worlds).
- Virtual Agents and Awareness Tools in Educational MUVE Space, 2nd Annual Workshop on System Aspects of Sharing a Virtual Reality, 1998.
- Present and Future of the Virtual Campus, JTAP Workshop, 1999 (Slides)
- Models and Technology for Open Structured Learning Tele99 (Abstract and Slides)
- Le rôle de l'Internet dans la formation supérieure Syntic99 (abstract and slides)
- The future role of structured text in education invited contribution to a Schoolnet workshop (slides)
- Les pionniers du Web et leurs idées 10 années plus tard (exposé chez les informaticiens de Pictet)
- Le role de l'Internet dans la formation supérieure: scénarii et technologies 2 exposés invités, Tunis et Alger, Avril 2001
- XML-based web-publishing & Cocoon, Observatoire technologique de Genève, Juin 2001
- Collaboration, Discussion & Information Portals in Education (Tecfa Workshop, Sept 2001)
- E-learning: possibilités et défi pour le développement, seminaire "nouvelles technologies et le développement durable", mars 2002.
- Socio-constructivist scenarios with Community, Content and Collaboration Management Systems, "Methods and tools for distributed learning - Quality and standardizations seminar", IT-University, Göteborg March 2003 (212K, PDF)
- Scénarios pédagogiques socio-constructivistes avec des portails communautaires, Tunis, 31 Avril 2003 (same talk as above en français, 212K, PDF)
- Tools for collective learning in higher education, Flow, Creativity And Learning, "Future of Learning" Workshop sponsored by Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Sevilla, April 28-30 2003 (1MB ! , PDF)
- Portails @ TECFA: Bilan et perspectives, exposé dans le cadre de la formation "F3Mitic", Genève, 2 mai 2003 (270K, PDF).
- New technologies for new practises in methodology teaching ?, Workshop talk, Colloque "Relier et valoriser les données", Berne May 9, 2003. (750K, PDF)
- Conception et implémentation de scénarios pédagogiques riches avec des portails communautaires, Exposé présenté au "second colloque de Guéret, Les communautés virtuelles éducatives, Pour quelle éducation? Pour quelle(s) culture(s) ?", 6 Juin, 2003.
- Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites: clear focus and fuzzy edges. ICOOL International Conference on Open and Online Learning, December 7-13, 2003, University of Mauritius.
- Educational technologies: ICT across the curriculum. December 2003, ICOOL 2003 talk to a teachers audience (argues that Internet activities also teach teachers to do projects).
- Conception et implémentation de scénarios pédagogiques riches avec des portails communautaires, 26 May 2004, exposé invité au Laboratoire Trigone, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. (voir plutôt celui de Lyon ci-dessous).
- Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portals, invited talk, University of Mauritius, June 22 2004. (this talk combines ideas presented in older talks)
- Pédagogie active: de la théorie à la pratique - Conception et implémentation de scénarios pédagogiques riches avec des portails communautaires, 9 juillet 2004, exposé invité au séminaire TICE "La pédagogie en question(s)", ISARA-Lyon. (exposé similaire à celui de lille 2004 et maurice 2004)
- Kollaborative Webportale in der projektorientierten Ausbildung, Vortrag an der Learntec 2005, Karlsruhe, 16 Februar 2005. Invited talk similar to the 2-3 talks just above, but in German.
- Instructional and Technical Frameworks for Online Distance Learning (910K ! PDF) , Informal 3 hour talks at a MeLLANGE (Multilingual eLearning in LANGuage Engineering) meeting, ETI, University of Geneva, February 28, 2005 and University of Mauritius, March 30, 2005. Pour ceux qui veulent une version en français: tie-talk05 (exposé crée pour la formation DUFA/Unige le 13 Mai 2005.
- Portails @ TECFA: Bilan et perspectives, exposé dans le cadre de la formation "F3Mitic", Genève, avril 2005 (270K, PDF).
- Teacher development through collective teaching activities, presented at ICOOL05, Stellenbosch, July 2006.
- Some more "C3MS/portals in education talks": Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios with web portals, Swiss ICT Summit, Fribourg, 31 octobre 2005 and Portale in der Lehre, NET-ELC Jahrestagung, ETHZ, 4 novembre 2005. (see above)
- Teacher development through collective teaching activities, presented at RBLT workshop, University of Mauritius, December 21, 2005.
- Instructional Design Models and Methods, presented at Online Learning in Diplomacy Workshop, May 30 2006.
- Les Wikis dans l'éducation et la formation", Université de Lyon I, 6 Juin 2006: PDF ( ou HTML moche ).
- Presentation of Master of Science in Learning and Teaching Technologies , Curricula Data Of Degree Programs In Educational Communications And Technology session, AECT 2006 Convention, Dallas,
- Séminaire Modèles, méthodes, normes et outils de ingénierie pédagogique,Unité de technologie de l'éducation, Université de Mons Hainaut du séminaire, 12-13 décembre 2006.
- Séminaire web social / e-learning 2.0,Unité de technologie de l'éducation, Université de Mons Hainaut du séminaire, 12-13 décembre 2006.
- E-learning 2.0 - Social Computing in the Future of Learning Technologies, 3rd International Conference on Open and Online Learning, 11-14 June 2007, Penang, Malaysia
- ICOOL 2007 workshop on educational modeling languages(1 day tutorial), 11-14 June 2007, Penang, Malaysia
- A technology-enhanced learning environment to support learning by sharing professional experience in writing,(with Urs Richle, M. Bétrancourt and M. Gavota), EdMedia World conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EdMedia 2008), Vienna, June 30-July 2008.
- Social Software in the context of Vocational Training (with Urs Richle, M. Bétrancourt and M. Gavota), Ed-Media 2008.
- Edutech Wiki - an all-in-one solution to support whole scholarship ?, Ed-Media 2008
- Is there a future for learning management systems ? (Keynote for Dokeos Users Day, dec 4 2008. (some background stuff is in the Dokeosdays2008 Edutechwiki page.
- Vers l'enseignant-chercheur un peu mieux "intégré" grâce aux "Personal Research and Teaching Environments", INRP, Janvier 2008.
- Subjective representations of educational design systemsVidlatel workshop, 2009, Riga
- EduTechWiki, Un environnement de support pour les activités académiques: découverte, intégration, application et enseignement.
- Introduction à l'usage des cartes conceptuelles, Master of Advanced Studies en action humanitaire, janvier 2010
- the WWW '94 Conference Workshop: Teaching & Learning with the Web (Geneva, 94)
- The WWW5 Workshop on Virtual Environments and the WWW, (Paris 96).
- EuroAIED: Virtual reality and virtual learning environments session (Lisbon 96)
- Teaching and Lerning with the WWW: Learning from the past at WWW6 (Santa Clara, 97)
- Workshop on Socio-Constructivist Scenarios With The Internet For Secondary And Higher Education ICNEE 03, May 28, 2003) See also Workshop On Socio-Constructivist Scenarios With The Internet For Secondary And Higher Education, Workshop description, ICNEE03, Lucerne, May 2003
4. Teaching (and Materials) 
A. MALTT Master's Diploma in Educational Technology and guest lectures
(Join us, It is unique in Switzerland. Tuition is Sfr 1000/year)- Domaine 1 : Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (STIC I, STIC II, STIC III)
- Domaine 5 : Méthodologies de Recherche en Technologies Educatives (méthodo)
- MALTT-0 - Atelier d'initiation
- I also am adjunct professor at Webster University, Geneva
- STAF-14 - Bases techniques des systèmes d'information et de communication
- STAF-18 - Bases techniques des espaces virtuels
- STAF-2x - Atelier de programmation
Master and PhD theses
PHD thesis direction (some in co-direction)- Vivian Synteta Project-Based e-Learning in higher education: the model and the method, the practice and the portal.
- Barbara Class: Une thèse sur la structure de support tutorale. (2009)
- Dolize Sidambarompoullé: Une thèse sur un dispositif d'apprentissage pour la formation de travailleur sociaux. (terminée en déc 2005)
- Dorel Gorga: Effets de l'intelligence émotionnelle sur le climat socio-émotionnel dans les environnements d'apprentissage informatisés.
- François Lombard: Une thèse dans le domaine de l'enseignement de la biologie
- Nathalie Pilard (1999). Etude de 3 modes de déplacements dans un environnement virtuel 3D.
- Vanessa Scribante (2000). Impact de deux facteurs d'influence sur l'acquisition des connaissances spatiales dans un monde 3D.
- Karima Bouzidi (2001), L'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication au sein des écoles: le réseau des écoles de Haute Savoie.
- Karine Delhom (2001). La Bibliothèque Virtuelle 3D, Développement d'une interface d'échange de ressources pédagogiques dédié à des enfants d'écoles primaires européennes
- Hans-Peter Heeb (2001). RoboWorld, Overcoming the Problem of Cognitive Load in Object-Oriented Programming by Microworlds.
- Paraskevi Synteta (2001). EVA_pm: Design and Development of a Scaffolding Environment for Student Projects (co-direction)
- Bertrand Resin (2001). Comment améliorer la navigabilité des mondes VRML.
- Olivier Clavel (2002) Un environnement de développement pour TECFA, Réflexions et propositions pour la mise en place d'un environnement commun de développement d'application pédagogique au sein de l'unité TECFA.
- Fred Radeff (2002). Le portail personnalisable comme interface d'optimisation de ressources académiques.
- Catherine Frété (2002), Le potentiel du jeu vidéo pour l'éducation.
- Michele Notari (2003) Scripting strategies in computer supported collaborative learning environments
- Romain Voisard (2003) Développement d'un système expert d'aide à l'enseignement de l'indice matériel
- Elodie Sierra (2003) Scénarios socio-constructivistes pour la classe de mathématiques
- Dirk Wagener (2003) Five working hypotheses to examine the feasibility of e-learning institutionalisation in tertiary education
- Luis Gonzalez (2004) Quelle place pour les TIC en classe.
- Stéphane Lattion (2004) Développement et intégration d'un module d'apprentissage par investigation (inquiry-based learning) au sein d'un portail PostNuke.
- Jean-Jacques Duclaux: Développement d'une application permettant d'utiliser les fonctionnalités textuelles du réseau GSM dans le cadre du cours de Recherche Juridique Informatisée. (Juillet 2005).
- Mélie Genet: Favoriser la perception des communautés en ligne et la diffusion des connaissances en résumant les informations publiées sur des pages personnelles. (Juillet 2005).
- Dorel Gorga: WINE (Web INtelligent Emotion): Développement d'un agent émotionnel au sein d'une plateforme de type PostNuke. (Juillet 2005).
- Kalli Benetos: Computer-Supported Argumentative Writer: An authoring tool with built-in scaffolding and self-regulation for novice writers of argumentative texts (2006)
- Dajana Kapusova: Développement d'un logiciel de réseau social comme soutien à une communauté de pratiques (2008)
- Christophe Vuilleumier: Préparation à la lecture dans un environnement 3D.
- Christian Gognat: (2009)
- David Coll: Thème: Communautés de pratiques dans Facebook (2009)
- Urs Richle: WikiViz - a MediaWiki-extension to visualize semantic MediaWiki-content
- Eric Inderbitzin: SimProject(2006)
B. Political Science and Public Policy/Administration Methodology:
I stopped teaching this topic a few years ago.D. Training courses and course taught elsewhere
I have enough material, experience and good teaching assistants to organize up to three weeks of intensive training in various subject areas, e.g.- I am teaching computer application courses (JavaScript,XML,Flash,etc.) at Webster University Geneva Some of the materials can be found through edutechwiki.ch
- Ateliers Webmaster de site pédagogique, part of our "Formation continue" offer. In 2009 I offered a one week Flash course and a one week web2.0 workshop.
- Ecole d'été 2001: Enseigner et Apprendre avec Internet (INSAT, Tunis, aout 2001)
E. Training texts (manuals and tutorials), a few examples:
- I now use EduTechWiki (en/fr) to prepare materials
- VRML Manual
- Le Tecfa Unix/Internet Manuel (en français)
- TecfaMOO Manual
- Le Tecfa HTML Manuel (en français)
E. Slides used in my classes (all in FRENCH), a few examples:
I am moving most teaching materials to EduTech Wiki (en) or EduTech Wiki (fr) and avoid using slides in classes.- (Old) training materials for my STAF courses: Technologies Internet et Education (TIE)
- Balises de méthodologide pour la recherche en sciences sociales (PDF)
- Gestion de projets et organisation d'une recherche (PDF)
6. Coordinates 
- You can look at my CV(PDF, in french)
Daniel K.Schneider, TECFA Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education University of Geneva 40, boulevard du Pont d'Arve CH-1211 Geneva 4 (Switzerland)Physical address (for visits and deliveries):
Uni Pignon 42 boulevard du Pont d'Arve CH-1205 Genève
Phone: (..41) 22 379 9377 Fax: (..41) 22 379 9379 Email: Daniel.Schneider AT unige.ch
7. A few thoughts about Web Pages 
- About Text:
- For many reasons I keep our server as simple as possible. Layout only gets updated every 10 years of so. Simple HTML pages will last and load fast! Most Internet databases I have seen go out of production after 3-5 years.
- About Frames:
I hate WebSites with (simple) Frames, because you can't link to these pages. Frames are ok for selfcontained manuals (having an instant TOC balances off the bookmarking problem).
- About Web-site reorganizers:
- I hate some of these a lot! I really do have trouble with some people who think it's kewl to move around files in their server. Please consider that most academic indexes only get updated once every 1-3 years or never at all. If you feel that your page gets better vibes in some other directory or on some other machine, learn how to do redirections !
- Under construction and updating:
- MOST of my pages, I finally decided to almost exclusively use a wiki instead of HTML. Mediawiki seems to be stable enough for long term projects. This was and is not the case for CMS. Most of our PostNuke portals, for example, are dead now...
- About long pages:
- They are easier to maintain, easier to print and harder to get lost in. They are harder to use for quick navigation. That's 3:1 in favor, generally speaking :)
- About Flash:
- Avoid if you can. I am not against proprietary multimedia for specific tasks and I even teach it, but most Flash sites just slow down the information exchange process. Flash is nice if you plan to write interactive applications, like educational games. If you use vector graphics for information display, rather use SVG. It's a standard and it will interact very nicely with (X)HTML and XML. Also, it (for now) is part of HTML 5.
- Keep It Simple Stupid ... and rather put contents on the Web (including interactive applications of course). I know how to create fancy webpages but why bother ? Nice designs always run out of fashion anyhow...
This site's design is only visible in a graphical browser that supports web standards, but its content is accessible to any browser or Internet device.