Until his retirement in July 2020, Daniel K. Schneider was an associate professor at TECFA, a research and teaching unit in the faculty of psychology and education, University of Geneva. Holding a PhD in political science, he has been working in educational technology since 1988 and participated in various innovative pedagogical and technological projects. He has been a prime mover towards the introduction of creative pedagogical strategies and ICT technologies. His long-term R&D interests focus on modular, flexible and open Internet architectures supporting rich and effective educational designs. His current interests include digital design and fabrication (e.g. computerized embroidery or 3D printing), learning process analytics and informal learning (e.g. in citizen science). Within TECFA's "blended" master program in educational technology (MALTT), he teaches educational information & communication systems, foundations of educational technology, and research methodology.
In August 2020, he created Arbores Tech SARL, a company that allows pursueing some continuous training, consulting and design activities. However, he spends most of his time in the FacLab Unige where he has been given a permanent resident status.
This page contains static information and only is updated every 5-10 years
Daniel K. Schneider
Arbores Tech SARL
8 rue des Voisins
CH-1205 Geneva
FacLab Unige
7 route de Drize
1227 Carouge
Daniel.Schneider AT unige.ch
dks AT arbores.tech
B.A. in Political Science• July 15 1978
Licence en science politiques, mention méthodes quantitatives
PhD in political science• June 26 1995
Doctorat ès Sciences Economiques et Socials, Mention Science Politique:
Modélisation de la démarche du décideur politique dans la perspective de l'intelligence artificielle. Download: PDF A4 - PDF US letter size
Various jobs (assistant, systems engineer, lecturer) • 1978 - 2003
Senior lecturer• September 2003 - July 2014
Associate professor• August 2014 - July 2020
In the official job description, I was professeur associé en nouvelles technologies et pratiques de formation which could translate into associate professor of new technologies and educational practice. To make it short: I was a professor of educational technology.
I retired on 1st August 2020 since I reached the official age limit of 65. I will remain active in the domains of "making" as resident of the Faclab, teaching (in continuous training and other institutions) and do a bit of consulting through my newly founded company, Arbores Tech SARL.
Within our Master program in Educational technology (Maîtrise universitaire en sciences et technologies de l’apprentissage et de la formation – MALTT):
I started working in Educational Technology 1989 and I am one of the co-founders of the TECFA unit. Since then I have been actively or passively involved in a number of research and development projects.
In the abstract ...
A bigger series of skills buttons can be found in my LinkedIn Profile
Doblo Factory is the name of a set of OpenScad modules we initially wrote in 2010 to generate LEGO and DUPLO compatible structures and bricks. You can create all sorts of simple LEGO bricks, but also full castles. A much improved version was made by Daniel Tab and it is available from GitHub
. 3D printing, OpenSCAD, LEGOA set of "Blocks" that can be assembled into a large medieval castle, Lego size. I made this version in 2012. A better more ergonomic new version was made in 2013, but I didn't have time to finish testing and printing.
3D Printing, LEGOTo keep your door open when there is wind. Several people at TECFA use one of these. The blocks can be customized with lettering (I use Netfabb Pro for that). The one in picture was made in 2010 with a Rapman printer. Back then I did like Thingiverse.
3D printingThe OBTK (Office Breaktime Kit) provides you with a construction toolkit that will turn idle time into a break that will improve productivity right after. It also allows organizing social activities and it therefore can contribute to team building if that is permitted and/or feasible under cover in your organization. You also can encourage trading and competition: Who can come up with a new toy / engine / exhibit or design a sliding game (tip: use whiteboard markers on your desk) ? Finally, squezzy elements can be used to prevent wrist tendinitis.
From six simple elements, people at your workplace can assemble various devices like spinning tops, table curling stones, bowling balls and pins, yoyos, wheels of fortune, racing cars, and more. Alternatively, they also could create stunning works of art (e.g. a black apple sandwich with a raspberry filling). This kit is also suitable for kids of an age where they stop swallowing little sticks.
This kit could be useful to teach basic principles of construction kit creation, e.g. affordances, expressiveness, richness. Also, it shows basic use of the OpenSCAD 3d programming language. Construction kit
The term conference embroidery or embroidered conference wear refers to one kind of Academic embroidery wear. Conference embroidery can: display figures and diagrams, turn a person into some kind of walking poster, make strong statements, and display logos of favorite projects, software, your organization etc.
(Citing myself here, 2011)
Hypeosaurs are hybrids from supersaurus (long necks, flower eating) and theropods (bi-pedal, people eating). They allow visualizing hype cycles and can be made with a laser cutter. This "artistic visualization" project allows allows showing that development in educational technology is cyclic. The mouth of one can eat the tail of another ("cela se mord la queue")
Computer-assisted embroidery is probably the oldest fully working "making" technology. Its industrial origin goes back to the 19th century where machines were driven by puch cards and tapes. Machine embroidery is an excellent medium for learning image manipulation, vector drawing and physical constraints in design. Embroidery can be used for craftivism, i.e activism expressed through art. The picture shows the "stitching" of a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) wheel on a fleece jacket using an embroidery machine in my office.
Looking for a good place to find information on educational technology. Try EduTechWiki (English) or EduTechWiki (français) ..
Since I hardly find time to get the bare essentials done, I sometimes will not answer an email. If you think that it's important, send it again please, call me or come to my office (the latter works best ...).
Although I do own social networking accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., I don't use these much to communicate. I may answer after a few weeks, if at all ....
daniel.schneider à unige.ch
Daniel K. Schneider
FacLab Unige
Batelle - bâiment A
7 route de Drize
1227 Carouge
Daniel K. Schneider
Arbores Tech SARL
8 rue des Voisins
CH-1205 Geneva