
A biologist from TECFA @ IMD 13 nov 2001

Allopatric speciation as model of evolution in distributed teams

Biological definition of species

Sexuality is a mecanism for genetic intermixing

Phenotype / Genotype


Allopatric speciation

Sympatric speciation

Genetic drift
Founder effect
Effects of differing environnements

A few speculations for a conclusions

Necessity and conditions for a fecund flow of ideas.

Causes of sympatric isolation of ideas.



Disclaimer : This is only the backbone for a conference, intended to help support my speech.
It definitely doesen't even try to be a good presentation.
Maybe this might help to focus on the unusual, lateral-thinking, thought provoquing aspects I tried to expose...
If this is good it'll speak for itself.
If you feel it's rather dry, w yes indeed, I tried to focus on content; I've seen to much empty good looking stuff on the web.
counter12 nov 2001F. Lombard