Group Discussion Results
Three times 1 hour was devoted to group discussion. Results were
presented by the group chairs to the whole workshop. (Usually
10 minutes + 1 slide per discussion group). Below are the
(only slightly edited) transcripts (minus drawings) of those slides.
chaired by Jenifer Tennison
- Social construction of information
- Driving through different views
- Top level goal and underlying knowledge
- AI knowledge representation
- Incorporation of multiple senses creatively
- Basic interactions to enable social construction of representation
- Virtual environments provide remote, persistent representation
- Requirement for clarity and precision
chaired by
Gavin Bell
- Separate model and representation (allows multi-modal interaction)
- Allow world (server) to communicate to the client the
actions it supports - client decides how to represent the
- How to describe ?
- MIME ? (or something similar)
or moving objects into I/F ? JAVA? --> there are API issues
- Need to specify common set of actions (client functionality)
--> problem of different modalities
- Client-server interaction
- Content negotiation
- Bandwidth <--> usability
- Import/export of information to/from other systems
- Client should be customizable by user
- Server technology has impact on usability (LAG!!
- Monolithic clients are bad,
Clusters of separate functionality good
(cyberdog, hotjava)
chaired by
Doree Duncan Seligmann
- VE should at least be as good as real world (RW),
e.g. objects should at least have the same functionality as their
RW counterparts (but could have more)
- Integrate our everyday tools + RW services
- electronic or real - don't reinvent but rather integrate common standards.
- Social conventions:
- Awareness:
- What is going on in the VE, who is there and what are they doing
- Focus of attention
- How to represent this
- Transfer of etiquette --> develop mechanisms
- Underlying structure should be abstract, allows for multiple representations (text, 2D, 3D, audio) and multiple operations.
Should be easy enough for users to develop.
chaired by
Jolanda Tromp
- More spatial metaphors for the Web (in particular cues for paths)
- Cues:
- well-worn paths
- indexed linking
- guided tours
- landmarks
- Path:
- looking back
- looking forward
- looking up in hierarchy
- looking down in hierarchy
- page author info
- etc.
- Search Engines:
- predict [???]
- direct
- filter
- 3-D Metaphors:
- phone booth
- catalogue
- libraries
- musea
- entrance-hall
- etc.
- Is it a tool you carry with you, or is it a place ?
- [lovely drawing skipped]
More (forced) tagging of web-pages. An example is the
living document system
used for this workshop preparation.
chaired by
Daniel Schneider
- Sharability of things:
- "work on ..."
- "use of .."
- between applications
- Ergonomics:
- as intuitive as possible
- showing "the model" to the user
- new framework for design
--> build collaboration into the system
- synchronous discussion tools
- both for work and reflection on the work process
- support for different roles
- Need more research on how people work
- Ownership: who can do what ?
- Generally: more creativity needed (not necessarily
rebuild the world)
- VE vs. CSCW (Computer supported collaborative work):
VEs include "being there, are multipurpose and have
chaired by
Yoshiaki Araki
- We should replace old-fashioned MOO architecture with distributed
- We should separate huge MOO DB into clients, many types of servers
(routing, user id, location, ....)
- Clients and Servers should have (partial) database replication
- Database consistency is a quality-of-service parameter
chaired by
Rob van der Haar
- Why do we need them?
- Humans are social animals --> belonging
- Self reflection and identifying
- Many can do more than one
- Social lubrification
- Communities through time:
- Inherit [??] --> freedom of choice
- Location --> spatial dilation
- Homogeneity -> heterogeneity
- Ideology -> common interest
- Communities as problem solving tool ?
- Positive:
- quick action
- powerful
- easy to organize
- Negative:
temporary existence
- Tools + medium + context will result in different types of community
- Ownership: social rules vs. "digital" [??]
- Design: initiators, catalysts, splitting/merging
chaired by
Chris Hand
- What's the point ?
C.f. aims of WWW: sharing, communication, hypertext, platform independence, collaboration, ....
- Collaboration --> Annotation (GONE!) --> ???
- See also: CSCW
- Choice:
- Add VE to WWW ?
- ADD WWW to VE ? (better)
- WWW + VE added (==> adding community to the Web)
- Spatial metaphors
- Enhance collaboration, interaction
- Immersion
- VE+WWW added
- URLS: sharing (Masinter/Ostrom)
- Access to lotsa stuff (other VE/WWW)
- Multimedia
- Are webbed VE's productive ?
- VE buys you a lot (OODB, communication, user modeling, on-line experts)
- Adaptive documentation (Jeni)
- TaTTOO'95 exhibition (Chris)
- Cyberspace desktops
- Browsers are too BIG! do TOO much !
- Integration of WWW/VE stuff into operating environment
- Smaller units of functionality (API->Cyberdog, OpenDoc ..?)
- [drawing skipped about document-centric not application-centric]
chaired by Jay M. Williams. Note that Jay
came down with a flu and couldn't attend, so this group was less prepared
than others.
- Need right level of abstraction for the problem at hand - simple as possible (multiple levels are ok)
- Standardized programming interfaces (at protocol level) for objects needed to build a VE.
- Objects (at user level) do not have to look the same
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