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Entering a MOO address to the client


  1. For a simple telnet connection: Just type 'telnet tecfamoo.unige.ch 7777' on Unix or Vax machines, 'c tecfamoo.unige.ch' on most DOS machines. Under Windows (e.g. WTnvt) and MacIntosh telnet programs you have to enter the port number in a different box. Note that by default the port in those boxes is 23 (ordinary telnet), you don't want that ! However, avoid simple telnet at all costs if you can, since telnet does not separate input and output!
  2. On Muddweller open 'File' - 'New' first. Then under the 'Configure Menu' enter the host name (or IP number) and the port number. Finally 'Open Connection' in the 'Configure Menu'. Next you may want to 'Save' this configuration in the 'File' Menu. As in MudWin or tkmoo light use the small type-in window at the bottom to enter commands !
  3. On MudWin simply open 'File' - 'New' and fill in the 2 boxes. Note that you enter commands in the single small line at the top or the window! (or at the bottom if you configured your client this way).
  4. On the emacs rmoo-client you have to do 2 things:
    1. Add first a MOO to the known list of MOOs: either edit the .rmoo_worlds file (I prefer that) or type the 'M-x rmoo-worlds-add-new-moo' command and answer the questions in the mini-buffer.
    2. Type 'M-x rmoo' (followed by the MOO World name)
    3. Note M-x on simple terminals is pressing the ESC key, releasing it and then press the x key. On X terminals hold down both the ALT and the X key.

Some clients are allready configured with a few MOO addresses when you unpack them. It should be easy to add the MOOs you prefer. You also may want to configure your client to use a fixed font, since some MOOs use ascii ``graphics'' a lot.

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Daniel K. Schneider
Thu Apr 17 12:43:52 MET DST 1997