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Logging into a MOO

    Before connecting to a MOO you have to be sure that either guest connections work or that you can obtain a ``character'' (user identity).

Most advanced clients will allow to automatize connection for a given user name. We will leave this to the reader. In the normal case (without specifying a user name and password to the client) you will see something like this when your client opens a connection to a MOO:

OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO   OO    M   M   MM    MM    Questions ?             
  O    O     O     O      O  O   MM MM  M  M  M  M   schneide@divsun.unige.ch
  O    OOO   O     OOO   OOOOOO  M M M  M  M  M  M   MooMail: to kaspar
  O    O     O     O     O    O  M   M  M  M  M  M   
  O    OOOOO OOOOO O     O    O  M   M   MM    MM    

  TECFA, School of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

  The TecfaMOO Project WWW page (including 'how to use' information):
  Connect as a registered person by typing "connect (name) (password)"
  Guests: type 'connect guest' - Type 'who' to see who is connected.

To connect simply type ``connect'' followed by your user name and password. If you don't have a login carefully read the instructions on the page and check if you can request a user name or if guest login is allowed. Some MOOs will allow you to request a character via the ``@request'' command once you are logged in as a guest, in some MOOs the ``request'' command before you log in is enabled. Usually instructions are given on the first screen.

   connect <user name> <password>
   connect Anna rumpel
   connect guest
Some MOOs will ask questions for guest connections, e.g. ask you for a name. Don't ignore those questions. Again here is an example from TECFAMOO:
<!-- Connected --!>
[Please enter your name:]

Daniel K. Schneider
Thu Apr 17 12:43:52 MET DST 1997