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creating new channels


To make your own channel, just make a kid of the channel class (i.e. the generic channel). See also the in-MOO help.

    @create &channel_class named <whatever you want>

This also allows you to make a conference room that is also a channel, so that people that need to be in another room can listen or participate to the conference (or to more than one conference simultaneously). But don't @chparent a complex room to &channel_class, you will use its features, unless you change its generic too.

The audience to a given channel can easily be restricted and so allow to make channels dedicated to some projects with only the members of the project being able to talk and/or listen to the channel.

To allow people/objects to use your channel through the &channel_feature:

    @trust &channel_feature to manage <OBJ your_channel>
To allow people/objects to announce (talk) on your channel:
    @trust <class> to announce <OBJ your_channel>
To allow people/objects to listen to your channel:
    @trust <class> to listen <OBJ your_channel>

a) to make a public channel named my_public_channel, 3 steps:

   1) @trust &channel_feature to manage my_public_channel
   2) @trust $everything to announce my_public_channel
   3) @trust $everything to listen my_public_channel

b) to make a channel, named my_semi_public_channel, where all players can listen, but where guests can't talk (though guests can listen), steps:

   1) @trust &channel_feature to manage my_semi_public_channel
   2) @trust players to announce my_semi_public_channel
   3) @distrust $guest to announce my_semi_public_channel
   4) @trust players to listen my_semi_public_channel

c) to make a private channel, named Tims_friends where only a selected few can talk and listen, type first @trust &channel_feature to manage my_public_channel, then for each player do:

   1) @trust ~<player> to announce Tims_friends
   2) @trust ~<player> to listen Tims_friends

If you can't find your channel, list all kids of &channel_class:

   @kids &channel_class

To list permission on your channel, type:

   @list-l <your channel>
More on ownership permissions can be found in section 7.2.

There are a few parameters you can customize if you wish:

   @channel_prefix &channel_class is "[$perm][$title] "
   @channel_title &channel_class isn't set.
   @channel_color &channel_class is "%green%bold"

The channel prefix is (as its name suggest it) the prefix that is put at the beginning of every line of text displayed by the channel to its listeners. The permissions of the listeners will be displayed instead of $perms and the title of the channel (or its name if no channel title is set) will be displayed instead of $title.

The listeners perms are:

So if you see:

 [-][Public] <some text>
you know that if you want to say something on Public you will have to switch to the channel first or to make a comment to that channel (with x>>public <test> or x//public <test>

The channel color is not currently used.

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Daniel K. Schneider
Thu Apr 17 12:43:52 MET DST 1997