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8.6 Useless stuff (Version History / ToDo List)
8.6.1 Version history
Very roughly ! Also note that sometimes, contents can change on an hourly
basis, bad internal links mean that the document is being processed ...
just wait a few minutes and try again.
- 1.
- 0.1 - Spring 1996 written in ONE day, i.e. they after I learned a little
VRML I so please be careful!,
- 2.
- 0.2 - Spring 1996 minor corrections
- 3.
- 0.3 - Beg Feb 1997 Conversion to VRML 2
- 4.
- 0.4 - Mid Feb 1997 better structuring of contents
- 5.
- 0.5 - End Feb 1997 Some interactive VRML, also added appendix (fields and toto list)
- 6.
- 0.6 - March 2 1997 Minor corrections and additions
- 7.
- 0.7 - March 12 1997 Minor corrections, replaced example theorem macro
(badly handled by the HTML translator) with tables. Discovered Intervista's
WorldView and fixed Java(vrml)script examples.
- 8.
- 0.8 - March 17 1997 Started working on VRML generation
- 9.
- 0.9 - April 18 1997 Started cleaning up the section on moving interactive
- 10.
- 0.10a - Jan 29 1998 Started a cleaning action again (including
moving examples files into different places).
- 11.
- 0.10b - Rough draft section on the EAI
- 12.
- 0.10c - Draft section intro to the EAI, style sheet for netscape 4 users
- 13.
- 1.0 - March 5 98 - First ``official'' version. Means that most stuff should
be useful to the audience (not perfect!).
- 14.
- 1.1a - March 12 98 - Fixed Tiny3D-2 applets (somewhat). Added Color
Demonstration applet.
Fixed a few typos. Started a chapter on animation and avatars.
8.6.2 Things to do
Just a short list of what you can expect in some nearer future.
Little things:
- Introduction on ``how to use''
- A ``framed'' page with the list of examples to the left and VRML to the right.
- Fix English
- External Protos (!)
- Add a few JavaScript scripting examples that manipulate SF and MF
type fields.
Medium things:
- More on color (Build a color tool that shows in operation all the
Material node parameters with a few different light sources).
- Lights
- Viewpoint angles and positioning (Build a tool ?)
- Complex objects (non-simple shapes)
- tricks to make your scene look good
Big things:
- An introduction to humanoid avatars (REAL SOON!)
- Good scenes with simple moving objects
- Good scenes with Javascript
- Scripts with Java (Introduction)
- Multi-user worlds

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Up: 8. Appendix
Previous: 8.5 Introduction to JAVA
D.K.S. -