About Vrml Pointers & Search

Basically for internal usage and probably biased in some aspects ! Started on Feb 20 97, last major update in March 98. Some links are broken ... why the %&*** hell do they always reorganize their sites ?? I think that once every 5 years is enough.

You can search this index. Though output is disgusting (since it just spits back elements found in the source page version). So, IGNORE identations! Provide a boolean keyword expression or a Perl regular expression as a search pattern.

Search String:
Query style: Case Sensitive
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Pages TECFA (in french, for local Staf14/18/2x users)

This section (in french) contains the most important links for local student users.
Cette section contient les liens les les plus importants pour les cours STAF 14 et STAF 2x.

Tutoriels et Guides on-line

Attention il en existe plein d'autres !


Guides on-line

Livres conseillés

Une copie des CD de ces 3 livres se trouve dans VRML guides directory (password protected).



Outils de développement VRML

Java (Staf 2x)

Voir notre Page Java

Outils on-line et sous Unix

Projets et Objets VRML à TECFA

Retour à: VRML Pointers - Staf-14 - Staf-2x

Indexes and FAQs

Official VRML Sites and Working Groups

Official VRML Sites

Official and non-official VRML Working Groups

For a full list of the official working groups, check the Working Groups page. Here are just a few:

Frequently asked questions

VRML, VR and MUVE Indexes

Other VRML Indexes

All of these have interesting stuff

VR and virtual world indexes

Not very complete, but helps you to start ...

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Technical Manuals and Books

Manuals and standards on-line

VRML 2 / VRML 97


Future / (some now alternative) standards

See also: the VRML Book List

VRML 2 Books

Recommended Books:

3D File Formats (other) & APIs & Hardware


For conversion utilities: see other indexes (for now).

Other Formats

Needs updating. See also: Kaspar's Cyberspace pointers

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VRML 2 Tutorials

Classification is somewhat arbitrary and may become wrong as tutorials evolve.

Indexes, General & Basic


Simple VRML 2.0 Geometry

General Tutorials in Slide Format

(Good for teaching)

General Tutorials

General Advice on how to do a VRML project

Advanced / Specific static VRML

Assembling objects into a scene



Dynamic VRML and Scripting

Moving VRML 2.0 without scripting

Javascript Scripting with the Script node

JAVA and VRML - Setting it up - General Issues

JAVA Scripting with the Script node

VRML Scripting/Generation with the external JAVA/EAI API

Stolen picture from sgi

Javascript and the EAI

(Netscape 4 / Cosmo only I believe)

Other & unclassified

VRML generation with CGI

Multi-user Worlds

Databases, XML and VRML

Others and untested

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Browsers and related

Note: Multi-user stuff is now in a separate section !


Be careful when you install 2 plugins/browser on the same (Win/NT) machine. Not only you need a plug-in chooser (e.g. Sony's), but if you want things to work correctly consult Bob Crispen's Index (the "Viewing VRML Worlds) section).

VRML 97 Browsers

Partial VRML 97 Browers

(needs updating)

Indexes / Comparisons of browsers

VRML 2 libraries (for your own application)

Graphics Libraries

Authoring Tools, Converters, etc.

(needs updating, see the VRML Indexes section instead)

On-line VRML Tools

VRML Tools

Free VRML Tools

Free Java Classes for VRML

Cheap Tools

Check these companies (but maybe there are others):

High-end Tools

maybe more, check the indexes ...

Tools to hand-edit VRML

VRML code verification

Converters, Generators and other massage tools

Other tools


Here are some pointers to PC graphics cards information:

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Multi-user VRML

(will add more stuff here soon, DKS April 98, see also Object Libraries for Avatars.)

MUVE Indexes

VRML Servers/multi-user worlds)

Related stuff

Texts on Multi-user / Virtual worlds

(needs updating!)

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VRML Code & Object Libraries

See also: General Index Pages. There are many worlds/object indexes and I can't keep track of them !

Indexes & General stuff

(sometimes translated 3-D drawings and textures)

Prototypes (see also other categories, e.g. widgets):



JAVA Classes



Not classified (yet):

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WARNING: Badly needs updating (last real update sometimes in 97, but some new additions were made in the mean time) !!

See also: General Index Pages. There are many worlds/object indexes and I can't keep track of them ! Also note that classification is somewhat arbitrary.

The EAI Interface

For documentation, see also the manuals and tutorials section. Below are just the few absolutely necessary pointers:

Larger Worlds

Those worlds may or may not work with a typical setup. Make sure to read the instructions and be patient while they load !






needs more here ...


To be processed

Examples with Java/VrmlScript or Java Scripting

Sites containing examples





These are complete worlds. Local password protected copies of some very good examples

Javascript Code Generation Examples

(Warning: examples will load VRML)

Other nice "Worlds" (Scenes)

this needs work (or will be killed some day)... sorry

Other/ Various

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Good on-line texts

Under construction, see also: VRML 2 Tutorials . I should/might also kill entries for texts and put the stuff in my on-line bibliography See also the multi-user VRML section.


General Texts on VRML and VRML-based VR

On-line Journals & Zines

Monitor these (especially if don't want to hire the VRML mailing list)!

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Other things / Junk

This section will probably remain unfinished forever :)

AI / automata etc

AI pointeurs (to move out from this list at some point)

Courses that teach/use VRML

.. needs more work!


This section might never become serious :)

Research & Development Pages

Mailinglists and Forums

"VRML" People

Bookmarks (sites not yet examined)


(1) Why my pages white ? Simply because I can't read some of these fancy VRML pages on my old Sun (don't know if YOU know that most Suns only have 256 Colors).
(2) Do you believe in VRML's place in education ? Somewhat, let's see what we can do beyond visualization.
(3) And what about multi-user 3D worlds ? I can see potential, but right now "Text-based" (or social) VR is way more operational, see also one of my position papers on that matter.
(4) What's your level of VRML expertise ? LOW (so far), see my VRML Primer and le Tutoriel VRML-Java.

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