About Vrml Pointers & Search
Basically for internal usage and probably biased in
some aspects ! Started on Feb 20 97, last major update in March 98.
Some links are broken ... why the %&*** hell do they always
reorganize their sites ?? I think that once every 5 years is
You can search this index. Though output is disgusting (since it
just spits back elements found in the source page version). So,
IGNORE identations! Provide a boolean keyword
expression or a Perl regular
expression as a search pattern.
to the Entry Page
Pages TECFA (in french, for local Staf14/18/2x users)
This section (in french) contains the most important links for
local student users.
Cette section contient les liens les les plus importants pour les
cours STAF
14 et STAF 2x.
Tutoriels et Guides on-line
Attention il en existe plein d'autres !
Guides on-line
Livres conseillés
Une copie des CD de ces 3 livres se trouve dans VRML guides directory (password protected).
- Staf 14: Hartman, J. et Wernecke, J. (1996).
The VRML 2.0 Handbook, Building Moving Worlds on the Web. Addison
Wesley, Reading (MA) + CD. Bon livre d'introduction à VRML
(discussion d'un exemple complet)
- Staf 14/2x: The Annotated VRML 97 Reference
Manual (La spécification VRML sous forme de livre avec
qq commentaires et exemples). Egalement disponible on-line,
même localement
- Staf 2x: "Late
Night VRML 2.0 with Java" by Bernie Roehl, Justin Couch, Cindy
Reed-Ballreich, Tim Rohaly, Geoff Brown. Pour programmeurs JAVA,
Outils de développement VRML
- Dans une distribution Xemacs normale un mode Vrml est comprise,
(sinon compléter l'installation). Si vous utilisez Gnu/win
emacs il vous faut la librarie iv. Copie locale:
si vous ne l'avez pas déjà.
- VrmlPad de
ParallelGraphics, $US 50 (demo version available, 64K limit, 32K
copy/paste limit). Meilleur outil/editeur pas cher, version pour
evaluation disponible.
- Windows: SitePad est
un outil/editeur bon marché ($39, 15j évaluation)
pour faire du VRML/HTML/JAVA. Pour VRML ca insère des
- Spazz 3D $100 USD. Bon
outil complet pour dessiner et construire des mondes VRML et
- Win 95: Sony
Community Place Conductor Sony de retour. Cet outil
était gratuit il y a qq années (BETA!) et on en a
gardé une copie locale: /pub/software/win95/www/editeurs/sony-cp/).
- V-Realm de Ligos: Tecfa possède 10 licenses
- Voir les autres sections/autres indexes pour d'autres
Java (Staf 2x)
Voir notre Page Java
Outils on-line et sous Unix
- vrmllint sous Unix: Vérification de vos
fichiers VRML .... utiliser cela pour trouver des erreurs. Dans un
terminal: 'vrmllint votre-fichier.wrl'
- Color Applet
(locally produced)
- Tiny3D-2 Applet
(NS3/4, IE??, extraction de code avec Netscape 4 uniquement).
- Tiny3D-2
Applet JAVA 1.1.5 VERSION, seulement avec Netscape 4 modifie
- Degrees to Radian
Projets et Objets VRML à TECFA
Retour à: VRML Pointers - Staf-14 - Staf-2x
Official VRML Sites and Working Groups
Official VRML Sites
Official and non-official VRML Working Groups
For a full list of the official working groups,
check the Working
Groups page. Here are just a few:
Frequently asked questions
VRML, VR and MUVE Indexes
Other VRML Indexes
All of these have interesting stuff
VR and virtual world indexes
Not very complete, but helps you to start ...
to the Entry Page
Technical Manuals and Books
Manuals and standards on-line
VRML 2 / VRML 97
- 3DML (7/2000) a somewhat
higherlevel alternative to X3D, including tools (see also the flatland site)
- MacroMedia
Director / Shockwave 3D (in 2001 ?)
- BlendoSony's
proposal for VRMl '97 successor
(Virtual Reality Transfer Protocol). being developed to provide
client, server, multicast streaming & network-monitoring
capabilities in support of internetworked 3D graphics and
large-scale virtual environments (LSVEs). (See also DIS-Java
WG (including their good example)
- VRML200x-X3D
(initial draft 11/99)
- Blaxxun3DBlaxxuns
Java applet based on its proposal for X3D (9/99)
- Shout3D's
version. Also Java based. Webreference has an article
about it
Blaxxun 3Dapplet, based on blaxxuns X3D proposal
EAI Interface Proposal by the EAI Authoring
Interface Working Group. Meant to talk to other applications,
e.g. external Java applets. Works with Cosmo Beta3/WorldView. Note:
this is different from the Java/Script node
authoring interface (JSAI)
- See also: All the documents produced by the www.web3d.org Working
Groups ! (e.g. Living Worlds, ngXXX whatever stuff ....
See also: the VRML Book
VRML 2 Books
Recommended Books:
- For starters: Hartman, J. et Wernecke, J. (1996). The VRML 2.0
Handbook, Building Moving Worlds on the Web. Addison Wesley,
Reading (MA) + CD
- For the details (graphics): Ames, A. L., Nadeau, D. R., et
Moreland, J. L. (1996a). The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook. Wiley, New York.
+CD http://www.wiley.com/compbooks/vrml2sbk/cover/cover.htm.
Lot's of graphics "tricks", not much on animation and
- For the details: The
Annotated VRML 97 Reference Manual (the spec as as book and
- To move on: "Java for 3D and VRML Worlds" (New
Riders ISBN: 1-56205-689-1) by lead Sony ArchLab research
scientists Lea, Matsuda, and Miyashita. Teaches how to program
active VRML scenes with the internal JAVA API
(probably not enough).
- To move on further: "Late
Night VRML 2.0 with Java" by Bernie Roehl, Justin Couch, Cindy
Reed-Ballreich, Tim Rohaly, Geoff Brown. (If you want to buy just
one single book and you are keen on interactive stuff, I recommend
this one. Note that some EAI code is outdated, but you can recover
from reading the specs).
- Question: Is there a hot book on JavaScripting VRML ?
3D File Formats (other) & APIs & Hardware
For conversion utilities: see other indexes (for now).
Other Formats
Needs updating. See also: Kaspar's
Cyberspace pointers
- Magician OpenGL for
Java. Fast and cool portable 3D Technology
- Multigen Paradigm
- Nemo " NeMo[tm] lets you
apply interactive behaviors to 3D models created in industry
standard modelers, and bring them to life in 3D applications for
the web or CD-ROM."
to the Entry Page
VRML 2 Tutorials
Classification is somewhat arbitrary and may become wrong as
tutorials evolve.
Indexes, General & Basic
Simple VRML 2.0 Geometry
General Tutorials in Slide Format
(Good for teaching)
General Tutorials
General Advice on how to do a VRML project
Advanced / Specific static VRML
Assembling objects into a scene
- See: Tutorials that come with assembly tools (such as Community
Place Conductor, CosmoWorlds etc.)
- The HTML in VRML! Example on
this page is a Pixel Perfect Texture, e.g. it shows at what
viewpoint you have to be given a resolution.
Unseamly textures How to build maps etc. with textures
Dynamic VRML and Scripting
Moving VRML 2.0 without scripting
Javascript Scripting with the Script node
JAVA and VRML - Setting it up - General Issues
JAVA Scripting with the Script node
VRML Scripting/Generation with the external JAVA/EAI API
Javascript and the EAI
(Netscape 4 / Cosmo only I believe)
Other & unclassified
VRML generation with CGI
Multi-user Worlds
- Community Place
Authoring Tutorials. (list of topics growing with time). Note
that Sony's Community Place is a life project and
one can start work easily (and at no cost) with the limited PC
server version.
Databases, XML and VRML
Others and untested
to the Entry Page
Browsers and related
Note: Multi-user stuff is now in a separate section !
Be careful when you install 2 plugins/browser on the same (Win/NT)
machine. Not only you need a plug-in chooser (e.g. Sony's), but if you want
things to work correctly consult Bob Crispen's Index (the
"Viewing VRML Worlds) section).
VRML 97 Browsers
- Cortona
(Latest 9/99) Win/NT VRML 97 browser, has good reviews.
- http://www.cai.com/cosmo/ The Home
of Cosmo Player (1/2000). Dead project, but maybe still the most
popular VRML 97 browser for Win/Mac
- Cosmo Player for
Irix (available since 2/99, IRIX 6.5 and ABOVE only)
- WorldView (Win, Mac versions) by Intervista.
Dead project.
- Blaxxun
Contact for Win/NT (full VRML97 browser with Blaxxun multi-user
worlds extensions)
- Twirl
Recent HTML & VRML stand alone browser for Power Mac, small and
fast (9/99)
- Community Place
(PC) Server, browser, plugin and CP tool from Sony JP. (Sony US mirror). Multi-user capable.
Looks like a DEAD project now (3/99)
Partial VRML 97 Browers
(needs updating)
VRML Win & Posix open source browser.
- RealSpace Viewer
(Win95, Mac) by LivePicture (formerly RealVR Traveler by
RealSpace). Partly VRML 2 compliant, with extensions.
- Casus
Presenter (looks like a good solution for old Sun's, but needs
OpenInventor and other stuff (??) installed)
- Open Worlds VRML
support for C++ and Java, customizable (commercial) VRML browsers
and libraries. Industrial strength.
- Free WRL an
open-source(R) VRML browser written by Tuomas J. Lukka and others,
placed under the Gnu Library General Public License. (still alpha
state, but getting there)
Indexes / Comparisons of browsers
VRML 2 libraries (for your own application)
- Open Worlds
"OpenWorlds is a library and execution environment that will help
you to bring VRML 2.0 compatibility to your applications."
Graphics Libraries
- Open
Inventor from SGI is an object-oriented toolkit for developing
interactive, 3D graphics applications. It also defines a standard
file format for exchanging 3D data among applications. Open
Inventor serves as the basis for the VRML. For non-SGI platforms,
see: Open
Inventor from TGS.. Open Inventor is implemented in OpenGL
Authoring Tools, Converters, etc.
(needs updating, see the VRML Indexes section
On-line VRML Tools
VRML Tools
Free VRML Tools
- Dune3D modelling and
animation tool for the authoring of VRML (win/unix/mac planned).
Tried version 0.13 for Solaris, works incredibly well for an early
release (4/2000)
- Cyber
Koganei Serveral Tools (libraries for C++ and Java, plus
CyberToolBox authoring tools for Java3D and VRML (not tested yet
- Sony Community Place
Conductor A free beta version of a complete VRML
editing/creation tool. Ideal for interactive moving stuff. (DEAD
link, but the project seems to survive some place).
- SCED is
a modelling program that makes use of geometric constraints to edit
objects in a virtual world. The scenes created can be exported to a
variety of rendering programs. Runs under Unix.
Free Java Classes for VRML
- Cool Java Tools from the The Virtual Light Company: VermelGen. A Free VRML 2.0
Modelling Editor. Platform independant (works with Java and the
External Authoring Interface).... a bit difficult to install (I
failed for Cosmo/Irix). (dead project now (DKS 2/99) * JVerge, A
Free VRML 2.0 Node Java Class Library (dead project now)
- Cyber Kokeahei
Virtual Reality or 3D graphics programming Programs, e.g. a VRML
library for Java
- JAVRA Java &
VRML assistant. Javra is a java package that forms a layer between
your applet and the External Authoring Interface (EAI).
Cheap Tools
Check these companies (but maybe there are others):
- Home Space
Designer (formerly by Paragraph)
- Spazz3D is a Windows95/NT
Animation Editor (VERY good for non technical people, trial version
- V-REALM Builder quite good,
but more expensive, that's we used at Tecfa for Win95 (seems to be
dead now)
High-end Tools
maybe more, check the indexes ...
- Cosmo Worlds from Platinium (I don't like it because
you can't hand-edit code, anyhow it's dead now 4/2000)
- Cybelius Authorizer from Cybelius. (The new kewl tool on
3/99). Locked version available for testing (not tested so
Tools to hand-edit VRML
- Various emacs modes, (VRML support is installed in xemacs as vrml-mode.el
,for gnu-emacs get inventor mode, iv.el).
- Modelworks sells SitePad for Win95, a
VRML/HMTL/Javascript editor. Very useful if don't want to install
- VrmlPad
de ParallelGraphics, $US 30 (demo version available)
VRML code verification
Converters, Generators and other massage tools
- vrml1to2 (vrml 1 to
vrml2 converter, installed at Tecfa)
Other tools
- DView Fast Script 3D
Dview Fast Script 3D is a text string 3D graphics language for
creation and real time control of articulated 3D models
Here are some pointers to PC graphics cards information:
- Dimensions 3D Home
Page Has useful information on graphics cards (among other
- Currently (98) 3Dfx Voodoo
based cards seem to be a cheap way to get good 3D performance for
doing simple VRML.
to the Entry Page
Multi-user VRML
(will add more stuff here soon, DKS April 98, see also Object
Libraries for Avatars.)
MUVE Indexes
VRML Servers/multi-user worlds)
- blaxxun interactive Free
Browser and free limited server (working, but expensive
technology). See also: german
site and the Blaxxun
Web Ring.
- Open Community (ex
Universal Worlds) from Mitsubishi.
- VNet, a
multi-user VRML space running with any VRML 2 compliant browser
(either EAI or script node). Some VNET worlds: Vnet (home site) Entry
* Adriadne
(includes enhancements) * Electra City *
- DeepMatrix, Opensource
Multiuser VRML client/server. Working technology !
- Parrallel
Graphics - Islands multi-user VRML client (server will be
available in early 2000)
- bangis a cyberspace community
client. Client for lambdamoo, written in java 2 and java3d, vrml97
support, vnet and deepmatix support and more. A cool new project
born in Island (Jan/99).
- Pueblo Originally a
2D MUD client/server architure, it does VRML.
- Improv Project at
NYU's Media Research Lab.
- HOLODESK, Communicator
Multi-User 3D chat environment based on Standard Web3D
Technologies, commercial product, beta testing available
- Pantheon (description
needed) (Entry for
- OZ Interactive. Server and
plugin (both 2D and 3D VRML 2.0). Both products are free. (alternative URL Dead project ???
- Community Place. Server,
browser, plugin and CP tool from Sony JP. (Sony US mirror). This seems to be a
dead project (11/99)
- See also Sony's Starship trooper's game
(direct link)
- Digital-Project.net, also
- Escape 3D On-line
Related stuff
- JackMOOThe JackMOO
research project is designed to study the use of a language-based
interface to guide and instruct avatars or other agents in a
virtual world. The integration of LambdaMOO and Jack6 provides a
persistent environment for multiple users and their avatars. See
the papers
and About
Texts on Multi-user / Virtual worlds
(needs updating!)
to the Entry Page
VRML Code & Object Libraries
See also: General Index Pages.
There are many worlds/object indexes and I can't keep track of them
Indexes & General stuff
(sometimes translated 3-D drawings and textures)
Prototypes (see also other categories, e.g. widgets):
JAVA Classes
- Less Than
Six, Less Than Six uses less than six (at most five) triangles
per character (for browsers that support TrueType Fonts
Not classified (yet):
to the Entry Page
WARNING: Badly needs updating (last real update sometimes in 97,
but some new additions were made in the mean time) !!
See also: General Index Pages.
There are many worlds/object indexes and I can't keep track of them
! Also note that classification is somewhat arbitrary.
The EAI Interface
For documentation, see also the manuals and tutorials section.
Below are just the few absolutely necessary pointers:
Larger Worlds
Those worlds may or may not work with a typical setup. Make sure to
read the instructions and be patient while they load !
needs more here ...
- Tomaz Amon's VRML Biology
Page. State of the art visualization ! (well alive in
To be processed
Examples with Java/VrmlScript or Java Scripting
Sites containing examples
These are complete worlds.
password protected copies of some very good examples
Javascript Code Generation Examples
(Warning: examples will load VRML)
Other nice "Worlds" (Scenes)
this needs work (or will be killed some day)... sorry
Other/ Various
to the Entry Page
Good on-line texts
Under construction, see also: VRML 2 Tutorials . I should/might
also kill entries for texts and put the stuff in my on-line
bibliography See also the multi-user VRML section.
General Texts on VRML and VRML-based VR
On-line Journals & Zines
Monitor these (especially if don't want to hire the VRML mailing
- 3DEZine New
(2/2000) ok, but unreadable $MSoft Fonts.
- Focus on VRML has
regular updates of VRML News (in addition to other stuff)
- VRMLSite Home Page of
VRMLSite Magazine. Includes a nice JAVA+Vrml Tutorial (feb/march
97). See the full index of
- ZDNet's VRML page, e.g.
articles by Pesce, Parisi and Martineau)
- The VRML
UpDate Newsletter is issued biweekly to help keep the
3D modeling and VRML community updated on what's new.
Review (still updated ?)
to the Entry Page
Other things / Junk
This section will probably remain unfinished forever :)
AI / automata etc
AI pointeurs (to move out from this list at some point)
Courses that teach/use VRML
.. needs more work!
This section might never become serious :)
Research & Development Pages
Mailinglists and Forums
"VRML" People
Bookmarks (sites not yet examined)
(1) Why my pages white ? Simply because I can't read some of these
fancy VRML pages on my old Sun (don't know if YOU know that most
Suns only have 256 Colors).
(2) Do you believe in VRML's place in education ? Somewhat, let's
see what we can do beyond visualization.
(3) And what about multi-user 3D worlds ? I can see potential, but
right now "Text-based"
(or social) VR is way more operational, see also one of my
position papers on that matter.
(4) What's your level of VRML expertise ? LOW (so far), see my VRML Primer and le Tutoriel VRML-Java.
to the Entry Page