3. L'image et animation simple

3.4. Conversion d'images bitmap

Information prises de la FAQ de alt.binaries.pictures:

Sur toutes les plateformes (Unix, Dos, Mac)

PBMPlus tool kit  Maintained by Jef Poskanzer (jef@well.sf.ca.us).  Very nearly a de-facto standard for converting between many different formats.  Includes <<utilityÈ tools to scale, quantize, crop, flip, rotate, and many other graphics operations.
cjpeg/djpeg  Free, portable C code for JPEG compression from the Independent JPEG Group, lead by Tom Lane (tgl+@cs.cmu.edu).  This software has been tested on numerous Unix machines, PCs, Macs, and Amigas; it is believed that it can be ported to almost any machine that has a (reasonable) C compiler.
UtahRaster Tools Converts between many file formats, somewhat similar to the PBMPlus tool kit.
GIFtoPS   GIF to postscript converter.


GIF2BMP Converts among GIF and OS/2 BMP (bitmap) image formats. (OS/2 only!!)
GDS Allows construction of <<contact sheetÈ images, panning and zooming within an image [Shareware].
JPEG2OS2 Converts among several different image formats including JPEG and GIF. (OS/2 only!!)
JPEG3 JPEG to GIF converter.
JPEG3OS2 Library of JPEG routines for inclusion in your 32-bit OS/2 programs. (OS/2 only!!)
GIF2JPG/JPG2GIF  Provided by Handmade Software, converts between GIF and JPEG formats.
Graphic WorkShop Converts between/views many picture types, including PIC, PCX, BMP (windows 3), EPS, GIF, and Macintosh PICT.   [Shareware]
Image Alchemy Provided by Handmade Software, converts between/views many picture types, including GIF and JPEG [Shareware] 
IMDISP Image processing and display.  It runs on just about any DOS PC, utilizes graphics cards from EGA to SVGA, does most basic image processing functions (histogram, contrast stretch, zoom, shrink, smooth, edge enhance, adjust color palette, etc.).  It can read 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 bit integer binary images, as well as PDS/VICAR, FITS, and GIF.  Public domain.
PBMPlus tool kit  (See description under <<CONVERSION TOOLSÈ in the <<PORTABLE UTILITIESÈ section above).
PaintShop Pro Allows viewing/conversion of multiple image types under Windows, including GIF, PCX, TGA, and BMP. [Shareware]


IFFConv Converts from Amiga IFF format.
Imagery Converts from Atari, Amiga, AppleII, PC, and Sun 
 picture formats to Macintosh GIF, PICT2, or TIFF.  
 Also allows <<decompositionÈ of GL files.
PictCompressor  Importer, viewer, and converter for multiple picture types (including JPEG).
 Also available on the QuickTime 1.0 CD-ROM
Sur toutes les plateformes (Unix, Dos, Mac)

No Title - 6 OCT 1995

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