Workshop Organization
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When: Thursday (May 26) afternoon and Friday (May 27) morning (confirmed!).
Email list
of potential participants
Workshop Program
Workshop organization:
- We will print out contributions (top pages and
maybe(!) some subnodes) and bring copies to the workshop. This will be
done on Tuesday Morning.
- The workshop will be organized along thematic modules.
Each module has a chairperson/coordinator.
- Discussion will be prepared by a list of subtopics/questions
for each module (participants will be encouraged to contribute to
those lists).
- No general presentations of contributions (otherwise we would
spend a full day just listening to people, 15*15 minutes = 4 hours!).
Participants can present their work when discussing specific topics.
- Each participant is strongly encouraged to read all contributions
before attending the workshop. They are also encouraged to contact
people working along the same lines (e.g. by giving feedback on draft
- The results of the workshop and the final contributions will
be "published" as a WWW document tree. Participants are encouraged
to share copyrights for that purpose (so that we can copy contributions
to a stable server).
The workshop program is meant to be a flexible (future) road map for
discussion. All we want is to have a good & lively discussion, but
avoid getting "lost". Items will be added or deleted according to the
wishes of participants and in function of the flow of discussion at
the workshop.
We will see how far we get on Thursday afternoon. Probably technical
discussion (how did we do it etc.) and "wrapping up" will happen on Friday
We will probably insert hypertext links to contributions in the
appropriate places so that discussion can be optimally prepared.
Ignore the "(see ...)" below for the moment, good pointers will be
inserted later. In any case, moderators will find good spots for presenting and
discussing modules of contributions.