Papers related to the TECFA SEED Research and Catalog

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This page mostly holds pointers to our documents that deal with our interest in community, content and collaboration management systems (C3MS) in education (in particular for supporting socio-constructivist learning scenarios). It's quick and dirty and will remain so until one day we invest into a real documentation server...
Attention: Il s'agit d'un espace provisoire. L'URL va rester, mais l'information risque d'être organisé différemment.

For the moment you can just download papers in PDF format or look at an BETA version of the catalog. Please note that some of these are REAL working papers, i.e. full of good, but unfinished thoughts :) Also note that some papers below are made from MS Word, therefore PDF may be fragile.

Conference Papers: Book chapters:

Associated PHD projects (more or less, some use the global framework, some the technology, others just some core ideas).

Associated Master Thesis (All three did or will program prototypical PostNuke modules that implement at least part of a problem)

Workshops and training courses:

Talks (conferences or informal) without papers:

Teaching: See portal and pedagogy related modules in TIE slides.

Working Papers about simple socio-constructivist learning activities (conceptual and technical). They represent a first attempt for producing a "cookbook". We plan to make this more operational for teachers by fall 2002:

Working Paper for complex CSCL activities (we plan to implement this within the next 2 years):

More general (informal) papers, slides, links, etc:

The problem we try to address so far in this research:

While one can observe a boom of interest for e-learning in the last 2-3 years, current e-learning systems rather focus on content delivery, as opposed to supporting students to solve more complex and open-ended tasks. We are convinced by the effectiveness of socio-constructivist pedagogies in education and struck by the apparent lack of widely deployed supporting tools. We would like to argue that a large number of rich educational scenarios can be supported at reasonable cost by the emerging brand of modular Community, Content and Collaboration Management Systems (C3MS).

Last modified: Sat May 13 11:52:02 CEST 2006