.. warning, haven't even begun to work on this page !

Extensions to the WWW

A short Index. It is by no means complete, meant rather for internal use. Also this page is new (Jan 17 96), therefore REALLY "under construction".

Mobile Code (in-line)

For Java and Javascript, see our pointers in our "Software at Tecfa" page.

Standards for inserting "active objects"

The problem is how to insert things like Java applets into HTML in a standard way. This is being worked on. See: [W3] Consortium Announces Active Object Agreement See also this older W3A An API for WWW Applets proposal

DataBase/Index Interfaces, Indexers,Light-weight DBs, etc.

Multimedia extensions

(Netscape Plug-ins and Helper Applications)

Client Interfaces

Mosaic's CCI

to do ...

Extensions, sorted by theme


Examples of WWW-based collaboration software: BSCW Shared Workspace System: Features Collaborative information sharing, Activity awareness, Platform integration, Member administration. Free software from GMD. TCBWorks, Webware for Teams. Supports a definition of projects insertable into a projects tree and discussion on each project. Hypernews Discussion Software inspired by Usenet News. See TECFA's own HyperNews main page.