7. MUDs - Grössere Multi-Benutzer "Welten"

7.3 Das TECFA Atrium

The Tecfa Atrium
The Atrium of TECFA with its spring fountain is the place where TECFA
people can relax and talk about the latest advances in Educational
Technologies. Type a ROOM NUMBER to enter an room.
  +---------------------------o   o-----------------------------------+
  |11=Patrick     10=Francoise|   | UP<     26=Daniel   25=Pierre     |
  |   Mendelsohn     Schmitt  | N | DOWN>       Peraya     Dillenbourg|
  |                 o---------o   o---------------------------o       |
  |12=Meeting       |                           o-----------o |23=Fr. |
  |   Room          |                           |           | |Giezen |
  |                 |             (*)           |24 Seminar | |       |
  |                 |                           |   Room    | |       |
  |         o-------o                           |           | |       |
  |         |         The Atrium                o-----------o |       |
  |         o-------------------------o   o-------------------o       |
  |17=Daniel   18=Patrick  19=Sylvere |   |20=Boris                   |
  |   Schneider   Jermann     Martin-M| S |Borcic                     |
  +-----------------------------------o   o---------------------------+
You see Machine a Cafe and WWW-box here.

Internet in der Schule - 24 JUL 1996

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