STAF14 *** Daniel K. Schneider
Bases techniques des systèmes d'information et de communication
Information and communication systems: technical basics
Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme: technische Grundlagen

My Home Pages

Version 2: graphic style - Version 1: text style

Chris Mueller * Send EMail

Technical issues

The first edition of my home page started during Staf 10 week. As too many things were pretty new for me - like HTML - I limited myself to what I was able to create right away: text layout.

Concept #1
- Fast access to all of my work in Staf 11-14 - directly to each task. Since the page displays nothing than text, it works pretty fast. In addition, I set up a welcome page with even less secondary informations, but very fast access to my work pages. The idea behind was that the persons searching pages within my home might not like clicking around too many times until getting there.
- Fast access to the personal worklists of each Staf subject: TidBits 11, 12, 13, and 14. You know TidBits?

The second edition of my home page represents a more holistic approach. After knowing a little bit more about Staf program and technical issues, I tried another version reducing and concentrating information to the absolute minimum. Since graphic elements are much heavier than textual ones, users have to wait a bit longer for the page to display. But I hope, finally they will enjoy more what they see.

Concept #2
- Additional access to the personal worklists of each Staf subject: TidBits 15, 16, 17, and 18.

up - Contents - Concept - Functions - Technical


As long as there were not too many pages of personal tasks the direct access from the home page worked in an efficient way. But the increasing number of pages asked for a more systematical approach. I decided to provide the access to all my pages through the means of my TidBits. Users have to do one more click, but get easier readable units displayed.


The design of the graphic version is an attempt to find some kind of invitation for users arriving on this page to go on and to click one of the apple icons. One of the main goal of all the pages developed during Staf is that they get read by web surfers. The text version supports this goal by providing a fast access, the graphic version by its more inviting design.

up - Contents - Concept - Functions - Technical

Technical issues

As I recognized, colors used in the graphic version do not appear the same way in different browsers and on different platforms. Designed on a Mac, the tree consists of 3 colors: brown and two different green. But on Unix machines one of the two green colors do not appear, i.e. both green look exactly the same way.

up - Contents - Concept - Functions - Technical

HomePage Chris

WelcomePage Chris


Students STAF 96/98


TidBits 11

TidBits 12

TidBits 13

TidBits 14

Up to top

email: Chris Mueller

++41 (0)52 301 3301 phone
++41 (0)52 301 3304 fax

(version 97 02 17)