Computational Thinking in Social Sciences (2019-2020)

Open and participative learning material for understanding and taking advantage of information and communication technologies in social sciences, created as part of the program P8 Reinforcing Digital Skills in Education.

Note About This Page

The project and the related open learning material are subject to evolve in time, whereas this page is intended as a long-term reference of a specific period of the project. For a more up-to-date description of the available open material, please visit the main page of the project (in French) on EduTechWiki, the public portal that hosts most of the learning resources.

Updated main page of the project (FR)


Quick Contact

Project Description

The project, whose original title is in French, Pensée computationnelle en sciences sociales, provides open and participative learning material for students and reseachers in the social sciences interested in improving their use and understanding of information and communication technologies. The material has been developed mainly for scholars without a formal background in Computer Science and therefore does not need any previous experience. It is also intended for teachers who may benefit from open ended resources as support for their courses.

Future perspectives of the project

The project is intended in two phases.

  1. Initial phase (2019-2020). Creation of open and participative learning material available through a public portal. Students can freely access the material and use it for self-learning. Teachers can refer to it for support or basic common knowledge required in their courses.
  2. Follow-up phase (to be confirmed). Derive a prototype of a MOOC from the learning material for scaffolding the learning process in a more structured format. Students could in that case validate their progresses with ECTS credits, whereas teachers can use it as a form of requirement.

Open and Participative Learning Material

The learning material adopts a Problem-Solution-Sharing perspective, which provides learners with theoretical, technical and practical know-how to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the social sciences in order to identify a problem, compute a solution, and share the result with others through open and collaborative tools and platforms.

Computational Thinking with JavaScript

Computational Thinking with JavaScript

Covering web development and web technologies, especially from an interactive standpoint.

JavaScript material
Computational Thinking with R

Computational Thinking with R

Covering Data Science and computational reproducibility of scientific contributions.

R material
Computational Thinking and Making

Computational Thinking and Making

Covering digital design and fabrication such as 3D printing, laser cutting, or digital embroidery.

Making material

The material is organized in three strands and it is released under a creative common, non-commercial, share-alike licence. It is hosted on EduTechWiki, an open-access wiki maintened by TECFA since 2006, where all subscribed users can modify it. Registration is free and pending verification to avoid spam.

Creative Commons License


List of the main contributors to the material. Since the material is open, other users of the public portal may have contributed too.

Daniel K. Schneider
Daniel K. Schneider

Associated Professor
Project director

Mattia A. Fritz
Mattia A. Fritz

Scientific collaborator
Promoter of the project

MALTT Students
MALTT Students

Students of the Master of Science in Learning and Teaching Technologies.

Papers, Conferences and Presentations

Fritz, M. A. (2019, December 2). An Overview of the Replication Crisis in Psychology and a Project that May Help. Research and Practice in Science Education, séminaire du Prof. de didactique des sciences Andreas Müller, Université de Genève.
Fritz, M. A., & Schneider, D. K. (2019a). Computational Thinking in Social Sciences [Poster]. P-8 «Renforcement des digital skills dans l’enseignement»: WORKSHOP 2019, Bern, Switzerland.
Fritz, M. A., & Schneider, D. K. (2019b). Pensée computationnelle avec JavaScript: Le cours STIC I. Atelier@EIAH’19. Apprentissage de la pensée informatique de la maternelle à l’Université : retours d’expériences et passage à l’échelle. EIAH’19, Paris, France.
Schneider, D. K. (2019a). Digital embroidery to teach ICT skills [Poster]. AECT 2019, Las Vegas, NV.
Schneider, D. K. (2019b, November 27). Un rôle pour la fabrication numérique dans l’éducation ? Fabriquer pour apprendre et se former à l’ère du numérique, Lille, France.
Schneider, D. K. (2020, February 10). Computational Thinking and Making: Computational Making [Invited talk]. Connecting Technologies and Didactics - The IDEA Project Experience Center for Advanced Studies Research and Development, Cagliari, Italy.


The 2019-2020 phase of the project was funded as part of the program P8 Reinforcing Digital Skills in Education by swissuniversities and Geneva University.