Kalliopi Benetos, PhD
Senior Lecturer and Research associate
TECFA -Educational Technologies Unit,
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva
research interests
- Design-based research approaches for developping and studying technology-mediated environments to support deeper learning, epistemic thinking and conceptual change
- Effects of argumentation on conceptual understanding and epistemic beliefs
- Teacher appropriation and integration of technology in teaching and learning
- Computational thinking, design-thinking: learning through technology for design, media production and fabrication
- Instructional design in technology-enhanced learning: from curriculum to activity - aligning objectives, methods activities and evaluation
- Fostering e-culture, digital literacy skills and e-learning competences to support self-regulated learning in a digital age
- The development and use of visualizations of writing processes and interactions within digital environments for research, self-regulation and learning analytics
Other places to find me
Thingverse Tinkercad LinkedIn Instagram @being_kalli Scratch @MIT Fabricademy
recent projects and collaborations
peer-reviewed journal publications
Benetos, K., & Bétrancourt, M. (2020). Digital authoring support for argumentative writing: What does it change? Journal of Writing Research, 12(1), 263-290. https://doi.org/10.17239/jowr-2020.12.01.09
Strobl, C., Ailhaud, E., Benetos, K., Devitt, A., Kruse, O., Proske, A., & Rapp, C. (2018). Digital support for academic writing: A review of technologies and pedagogies. Computers & Education, 131, 33–48.URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036013151830318X
Bétrancourt, M., Benetos, K. (2018). Computers in Human Behavior Why and when does instructional video facilitate learning ? A commentary to the special issue “ developments and trends in learning with instructional video .” Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 471–475. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2018.08.035 URL : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563218304102
Benetos, K., Bétrancourt, M. (2015). Visualization of computer-supported argumentative writing processes using C‑SAW. Romanian Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 8(4), 281-303. URL: http://rochi.utcluj.ro/rrioc/articole/RRIOC-8-4-Benetos.pdf
Benetos, K., Peraya, D. (2015). Guiding Professional Life-long Learning Projects: The Case of an Immersive Blended Learning Certificate. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie, 41(4). URL: https://www.cjlt.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/view/26963/19871
peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Benetos, K., [&] Gagnière, L. (2018). Understanding student paths in higher education blended-learning: beyond success and dropout. Proceedings of the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference, Blended and Online Learning: Changing the Educational Landscape, EADTU, OOFHEC2018. 317–326. URL: https://conference.eadtu.eu/download2468
Benetos, K. (2017). Développement et implémentation des principes de design dans un outil-auteur pour soutenir la rédaction de textes argumentatifs, 8e Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, EIAH 2017, Strasbourg, June 2017. p. 245- 256. URL: http://eiah2017.unistra.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Actes.pdf
Benetos, K., Peraya, D. (2013). Concevoir un dispositif hybride de formation pour favoriser l'apprentissage par projet. Proceedings of Les innovations pédagogiques en enseignement supérieur: pédagogies actives en présentiel et à distance. QPES Conference 2013. Sherbrooke, Canada, June 2013. p. 711-719. URL: http://www.colloque-pedagogie.org/sites/default/files/colloque_2013/Actes%20colloque_QPES2013.pdf
Schneider, D., Benetos, K., Class, B., Lange, M. (2012). Requirements for learning scenario and learning process analytics, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012
Benetos, K. [&] Schneider, D. (2011). Conceptual Change through Computer-Supported Argumentative Writing. In T. Bastiaens [&] M. Ebner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 1289-1298). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/38036.
Schneider, D.K., Benetos, K. [&] Ruchat, M. (2011). Mediawikis for research, teaching and learning. In T. Bastiaens [&] M. Ebner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 2084-2093). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/38150.
Schneider, D.K.; Benetos, K.; Pernin, J.-P.; Emin, V. (2009). Subjective Representations of Educational Design Systems, Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2009. ICALT 2009, pp.738-739, 15-17 July 2009 doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2009.99 URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5194360&isnumber=5194138
book chapters
Benetos, K. (2023). Digital Tools for Written Argumentation, in Digital Writing Technologies in Higher Education, Editors Kruse, O., Rapp, C., Anson, C. M., Benetos, K., Cotos, E., Devitt, A. [&] Shibani, A, p. 63-79. Springer International Publishing. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-36033-6_6
Kruse, O., Rapp, C., Benetos, K. (2023). Creativity Software and Idea Mapping Technology, in Digital Writing Technologies in Higher Education, Editors Kruse, O., Rapp, C., Anson, C. M., Benetos, K., Cotos, E., Devitt, A. [&] Shibani, A, p. 63-79. Springer International Publishing. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-36033-6_5
Devitt, A., Rapp, C., Benetos, K., Kruse, O. (2023). Writing and Learning: What Changed with Digitalization?, in Digital Writing Technologies in Higher Education, Editors Kruse, O., Rapp, C., Anson, C. M., Benetos, K., Cotos, E., Devitt, A. [&] Shibani, A, p. 63-79. Springer International Publishing. DOI : 10.1007/10.1007/978-3-031-36033-6_26
Peraya, D., Benetos, K., (2014). Accompagner des projets professionnels en formation continue : le cas d'un certificat de formation hybride et immersive. In C. Potvin, T. Power, A. Ronchi (Ed.), La formation en ligne. Les conseillers et ingénieurs pédagogiques. 20 études de cas (pp. 107 - 123). Laval, Canada. Presse de l'Université de Laval. Avaliable from: http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:36990
peer-reviewed conference presentations
Benetos, K. Developing meaningful analytics: beyond time-stamps and counts, Academic Writing in Digital Contexts: Analytics, Tools, Mediality, The Eighth International Conference on Writing Analytics, Winterthur (Sept. 2019)
Benetos, K., Kruse, O., Rapp, C. (2019). Thinking With the Computer: How Do New Writing Tools Influence Higher-order Cognition? Symposium in Interdisciplinarity, genre hybridization, multilingualism, digitalization, and interculturality,10th Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, EATAW 2019, Gothenberg (July, 2019)
Schneider, D., Benetos, K., Boufflers, L., Da Costa, J., Bétrancourt, M. (2018) Un rôle pour la broderie numérique dans l’éducation ? Présent et futur de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage numérique, Colloque CIRTA, Québec (Oct. 2018). https://cirta2018.teluq.ca/files/2019/03/28
Kruse, O. et al. (2017). Electronic writing support in secondary and higher education: approaches, ideas, and examples. Symposium in Academic Writing Now:
Policy, Pedagogy and Practice. EATAW 2017 - London (June, 2017).
Benetos, K. (2016). Argumentative writing with C-SAW: effects of computer-supported self-regulationregulationregulationregulation. EARLI 2016 SIG 26 - Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning. Ghent, Belgium (Aug. 2016)
Benetos, K. (2016). Computer-Supported Argumentative Writer /Working with an argumentation framework to support critical thinking through writing learning scenarios, Demonstration at EARLI 2016 SIG 7 Learning and Instruction with Computers. Dijon, France (Aug. 2016)
Benetos, K. (2015). Writing with C-SAW: effects of built-in self-regulatory devices during argumentative writing, 16th Biennial Conference, Earli 2015, Limassol, Cyprus. (Aug. 2015)
Benetos, K. (2014). Writing argumentative texts using C-SAW: a field study. International Conference on Writing Research 2014. Amsterdam.
Benetos, K., (2012). Design principles for supporting self-regulation during argumentative writing, Instructional Design for Advancing Learning in a Networked Society, EARLI SIG 6 [&] 7 Conference 2012, Bari, Italy.
doctoral thesis
Benetos, K. (2015). C-SAW: Computer-supported scaffolding of argumentative writing (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Geneva. Geneva. Retrieved from http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:73672
web content
Benetos, K. (2022). Le e-Portfolio Mahara comme environnement d’apprentissage, Blog CIEL de l’Université de Genève., https://ciel.unige.ch/2022/05/le-e-portfolio-mahara-comme-environnement-dapprentissage
Benetos, K. (2015). Les cartes conceptuelles dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage / Concept maps in teaching and learning, Le pole education, https://lepole.education
Benetos, K. (2015). Avant de choisir une plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne / Before selecting a Learning Management System, Le pole education,
2006 - present. Regular contributions (147 articles, 1045 changes) to Edutechwiki.unige.ch, a wiki dedicated to educational technology
online course design and development
Bétrancourt, M., Sander, E., Scheibling-Sève, C., Benetos,K. (2020). Exercer son esprit critique à l’ère informationnelle, Coursera, https://www.coursera.org/learn/esprit-critique#modules
Eggs, C., Carron, D., [&] Benetos, K. (2011). State of the Art Report on Lifelong Learning in Strategies of Swiss Higher Education Institutions. Retrieved from https://forge.switch.ch/redmine/attachments/263/LLL_HEI_CH_final.pdf
Peraya, D. (Ed.), Benetos, K., Devauchelle, B., Platteaux, H., Hoein, S. (2008). Projet eCulture : Regard méthodologique sur le processus de constitution du référentiel de competences et sur les microscénarios, Interreg IIIA france-suisse
past projects
With the financing of the University of Geneva and TECFA, C-SAW is currently being developed to include a teacher-centered interface to facilitate its adaptation and integration in teacher defined learning scenarios using argumentative writing. It is also being extended to allow for collaborative writing. Both goals are being driven by a design-based research approach that involves practitioner and user input in the design, development and testing.
A qualititative approach is being used in a single-use case-study to observe the instrumentation and instrumentalization process of an instructor integrating the use of C-SAW in a course design. The study will look at prescribed, perceived uses, expected effects and perceived effects of technology integration as described by Paquelin (2009).
Building on the analysis of results of preliminary testing during my Master’s thesis with TECFA at the University of Geneva, C-SAW(Computer-Supported Argumentative Writer) underwent a new design-based research cycle of design, development and testing C-SAW is an online authoring tool using PHP, DOM, XML, and JavaScript. Based on ArgEssML, a markup language and framework specifically designed to define argumentative writing tools, C-SAWaims to help novices of argumentative text composition to develop and structure their written texts. It introduces prompts and devices designed to engage writers in the self-regulation processes that enable deeper reflection and can lead to changes in concepts and understanding. C-SAW offers a visualization and scaffolding of the composition process and product. C-SAW also logs writers actions to provide information for research or analytic purposes. C-SAW continues to be developed and tested in field studies and experimental settings. (see publications).
If you are interested in testing C-SAW, access to a demo version can be requested by writing to kalliopi.benetos(at)unige.ch. Please tell me why you're interested and let me know what you think.
As part of my Master’s thesis at TECFA of the University of Geneva, I developed C-SAW, a functional prototype of online authoring tool using PHP, DOM, XML, XSLT and JavaScript, to help novices of argumentative text composition to better develop and structure their written texts. The tool is based on an underlying XML-based schema (developed with instructors) that is representative of argumentative texts and will offer a visualization and scaffolding of the composition process. This project is currently being further developed and extendended as part of a design-based research for my Phd in Educational Sciences at TECFA.
As part of my Masters studies, I created a prototype software (in French) that aims to facilitate the understanding of the key concepts and terminology of colour theory from basic: primary colours, mixing colours, intermediate: interactions of colours, to advanced: the physics of colour, and digital colour (aimed at secondary level students). As well as a fully functional prototype using Authorware and Flash, I completed a detailed storyboard and learning scenarios (based on an adaptation of the 5e Learning Cycle instructional design model) for three of seven modules, and a complete modular structure for the proposed software.
As the chief Web Designer and Developer for the Swiss Virtual Campus Project ALPECOLe, in collaboration with numerous professors and assistants from eight Swiss universities and institutes, I headed the technical aspects of the project in the creation of an online course and digital support material for blended learning scenarios. I designed the user interface, site structure and navigation, and produced the majority of the interactive components and graphic content. I oversaw the development of software applications for our project and the integration of the couse in the University of Zurich’s learning platform (OLAT).
To create a visualization of the proportion of mandatory vs. optional content within each lesson of the course, I combined SVG and XSLT.
work experience
2016 - present | Chargée d'enseignement (suppléance) - Lecturer University of Geneva, Dept. of Psychology and Education, TECFA – Geneva, Switzerland • research area: computer-supported argumentative writing, teacher appropriation of technology • courses: Human-computer interaction, Mediated communication and e-learning |
2007 - present | Research Associate / e-Learning
Pedagogical and Technical Coordinator / Lecturer University of Geneva, Dept. of Psychology and Education, TECFA – Geneva, Switzerland • design, develop, implement and update curriculum of continuing education certificate: CAS in the design and development of e-learning, • manage of pedagogical team, activities and participation in programme • coordinate tutoring and assessment of modules • accompany participants' professional project development • administration of learning platforms, preparation of learning materials, technical support for participants and instructors • coordinate publicity and information strategies • oversee administration of budgets, regulations, registrations and accreditation procedures • course topics: Instructional design models, methods and tools, Web 2.0 services in e-Learning |
2017 - 2018 | Research Associate/Collaboratrice scientifique UniDistance, Brig, Switzerland Technopedagogical support in instructional design for higher education blended-learning programs. Research area: Retention and attrition in blended-learning |
2011 - present | Adjunct Lecturer Webster University – Geneva, Switzerland • teaching area: Design principles in print, computer applications and interfaces • courses: Design principles I & II, InDesign |
2015 - 2016 | Postdoctoral Researcher University of Geneva, Dept. of Psychology and Education, TECFA – Geneva, Switzerland • research area: computer-supported argumentative writing, teacher appropriation of technology • courses: Introduction to the pedagogical uses of information and communcation technology (Us@TICE) |
2009 - 2015 | Teaching and research assistant / Phd Student University of Geneva, Dept. of Psychology and Education, TECFA – Geneva, Switzerland • research area: Enabling conceptual change through written argumentation • courses: Human-computer interaction, Use of technologies in primary education |
2007 - 2008 | e-Learning Coordinator University of Geneva, Rectorate, Centre e-Learning (CeL) – Geneva, Switzerland •analysis of state of the art and proposal of e-learning strategies for the University of Geneva, consulting for online learning initiatives |
2001 - 2005 | Web-designer/developer/master
e-learning University of Zurich, Dept. of Geography – Zurich, Switzerland • headed design and IT aspects of creating an international online university course in alpine ecology (ALPECOLe) |
1999 - 2001 | Creative
Director / Graphic Designer Digital Wizards – Cambridge, Canada • conception, planning, design and direction for corporate, educational, governmental and non-governmental new media projects |
1998 | Graphic
Designer Centura Brands – Toronto, Canada • design & layout for print of packaging, sell sheets, brochures, posters, promotional stands for HABA products |
1997 | Graphic
User Interface Designer Footprint Software (IBM) – Toronto, Canada • design and usability testing of graphic user interfaces of banking and financial software |
1996 - 1997 | Graphic
Designer Sherman Laws Communications – Toronto, Canada • design, layout and pre-press preparation of annual reports, flyers, packaging, brochures, posters, and catalogues for print |
1995 - 1996 | Graphic
Artist Stylus Strategic Communications – Montréal, Canada • design, layout and production of graphics for corporate web sites, cd-roms and multimedia presentations |
1995 | Graphic
Artist (workstudy) ILCO-Unican – Montréal, Canada • layout, DTP of product information sheets, annual reports, brochures, etc. for industrial lock systems manufacturer |
1994-95 | See Education |
1993 - 1994 | Reforestation
Assistant Natural Borders Reforestation – Vancouver, Canada • reforestation activities throughout British Columbia and Alberta |
1992 - 1993 | Child
Care Worker Touchstone Family Association – Vancouver, Canada • Attendant in group home for adolescents in crisis |
2008 - 2009 | Program Co-ordinator
/ Pedogical Consultant One University, Qualilearning, Vevey, Switzerland • program coordination and development, preparation of learning materials, instructor for certificat, diploma and masters programs in e-learning |
2008 | Research assistant - Projet eCulture. Funded by a Interreg France-Suisse, the project analysed and compared processes of defining skills and competences frames of reference for technology enhanced learning. |
2006 - 2007 | Content
Developer - (EduTechWiki) University of Geneva, Dept. of Psychology and Education, TECFA – Geneva, Switzerland • Research and write for a wiki on educational technology |
topics | instructional design, human factors (HCI), design principles, educational technology integration, web design and development, desktop publishing |
levels | bachelor, masters, continuing education, teaching training, |
institutions | University of Geneva, Webster University - Geneva, Association Genevoise des Ecoles Privées, Service Ecoles-Médias - Département d'instruction publique de Genève, |
jury | 10 masters theses in HCI, instructional design, and technology-enhanced learning design and development |
supervision | Master MALTT CAS e-learning |
detailed listing | available upon request |
work experience (during studies)
1991, 1992 | Arts &
Crafts Director /
Instructor Youth Horizons – Montréal, Quebec (Canada) • co-ordination and implementation of Arts & Crafts program for youth from troubled family situations, instruction of youth aged 5–17 |
1991 | Group
Home Attendant Vantage Institute – Montréal, Canada • Attendant in group home for schizophrenic adults |
1990 | Graphic
Artist / Silkscreen Printer Image Overtonz – Montréal, Canada • camera work, layout, paste-up, colour separation, set-up of 6-colour manual silkscreen press for textiles and decals |
1986 - 1989 | Homecare
Worker CLSC Park Extension – Montréal, Canada • providing homecare services for senior and terminally ill people |
1984 - 1985 | Video Rental Clerk/Manager Broadway Video – Montréal, Canada • sales, inventory, personnel scheduling |
1983, 1984 | Community
Services Animator Sun Youth Organization – Montréal, Canada • management of local food bank, fundraising, providing referral services, report writing |
volunteer work
2009 - 2015 | Phd (Educational Sciences) - Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland |
2004 - 2006 | MSc (Master of Science in Learning and Teaching Technologies) - Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland |
2000 - 2001 | Special Standing, Media, Information & Technoculture, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada |
1994 - 1995 | Diplôme d'études professionnelles, Pre-Press Program, Rosemount Technology Centre, Montreal, Canada |
1990 - 1992 | Bachelor of Arts, Specialization in English Literature, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada |
1985 - 1990 | Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Studio Art, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada |
continued education
2012 | Formation au logiciel SPSS (Université de Genève) |
2003 | Introduction to MySql and PHP (University of Zurich) |
2003 | German Language (ETH Zürich) |
2001, 2002 | German Language (Migros Klubschule) |
1998 | HTML, Flash (Fanshawe College - London, Canada) |
1993 | Painting Workshop, (Emily Carr College of Art & Design, Vancouver, Canada) |
professional development
2015 | Pôle de soutien à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage – Atelier: Construire et utiliser une grille d’évaluation des apprentissages |
2014 | Conceptualization of Writing: Urgent Issues and Best Solutions. Conference on Writing Research, Utrecht University |
2006 | Swiss Virtual Campus Days 2006 – How to realize eLearning with pedagogical added value? |
2005 | SCIL Congress 2005 - Leading Change Processes |
2002 | Première Séminaire Interstices Seminar Series : Université de Fribourg – Innovation et eLearning: Vers une pédagogie active - De l'apport et des limites de l'APP (apprentissage par problèmes) |
visual design
web design and development - 1999-2001
skills & competence
Educational Technology | E-Learning & Distance Learning, Instructional design models and methods, Technology integration in teaching & teacher Training, Blended Learning, Learning management system configuration |
Research | Qualitative and quantitative methods, Design-based research, Learning through argumentation, conceptual and epistemic change |
Teaching | Curriculum design, peer-evaluation, collaborative learning, project-based learning, continuing education and life-long learning, |
Human Computer Interaction | User Experience, User-centered Design, Interaction Design, Usability Testing, Web Design |
digital skills
scripting | XML, XSLT, DTD, RELAX NG, XQuery, DOM, PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, SVG, JavaScript, ActionScript, Unix(basic commands) |
CMS/LMS | Moodle, Chamilo, Mahara, Canvas, Web2.0 services |
software | Image editing, vector graphics, video editing, desktop publishing, advanced text editing, qualiltative analysis software, SPSS |