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3.2 MOO Seminars


Supporting objects in the MOO:

To organize successful seminars on the MOO you need the following technical MOO ingredients (objects):

  1. If you have more than 5 participants, you need a special ``conference'' room with the following features:

    Ken's generic classroom (see 6.2.1) if perfectly suited for this task. Make sure to change the description of the room so that beginners can handle it. Here is an example:

     Lecture Hall
     You see a rather sparse Lecture Hall. There's a blackboard on 
     the front wall and a clock above it.
     * While lectures are going on, please take a seat (e.g. 'sit row1').
     * You can sit in the same row as your friends and have private
       conversations with them ('say ....).
     * To speak to everybody in this room use 'speakup ....'. 
     * To get up type 'stand'.
    Type 'help here' for a summary of all available commands.
    You see Bulletin Board, Panel Table, Row1, Row2, Row3, Row4, Row5, and Row6.
  2. You need a verb that will allow you say something highly visible (e.g. at TECFAMOO the big-sign verb ``(@addfeature #229)'').

    Daniel holds up a big sign: | FIRST: are there any general |
                                |        questions, remarks ?? |
  3. You need a slide projector or equivalent which will allow to project several lines of text into the audience. A good choice is Ken's slide projector (#1493 at TECFAMOO). A slide projector will allow to give ``talks'', show ``agenda points'', make summaries of discussion and so forth. Here is an example slide from a program committee meeting:
    Daniel shows slide #1.
                          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                         Workshop organization
    Ground rule:   NO paper presentation, but structured discussion
    Proposal:      http://spsyc.nott.ac.uk:5555/658 
                   (WWW issues in the groups menu)
                   shows 11 groups of issues.
                   ==> Let's discuss those during the workshop day ??
                       a) maybe we need a selection
                       b) "issue chairmen" for each of those ?
                       c) some reordering is also needed
    Questions:         d) Do we have demos ?
                       e) What shall we deliver after the workshop ?
                       f) How important is the relation to the WWW in all this ?
                          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few rules you should consider

  1. Take your time !!. Some participants may be new to the MOO and are overloaded with figuring out lots of things
  2. About Slides:
  3. use the World-Wide Web to discuss larger text. Note that some clients, e.g. the Surf&Turf Java client will allow you to project WWW pages to people's WWW browsers from the MOO.
  4. Generally (avoid longer ``task'' but discuss). If you use a generic classroom, you can organize group discussions.
  5. Try to master the flow of discussion (like you do it in RL)

Recording the session

Recording the session is important ! To do that you can:

  1. Log in with an other character and save the session with your clients save.
  2. Use a MOO tool, such as a ``video camera''. Those tools have additional features, e.g. you can ``zoom'' on things and participants, but they are more difficult to use.
  3. Put the transcript with a summary on the WWW, the MOO or send it via email to the participants.

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Daniel K. Schneider
Thu Apr 17 12:43:52 MET DST 1997