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Basic Communication


MOOs posses a sophisticated set of communication commands. The basic commands are shared among MOOs.

In order to list connected players:

@who    Lists  connected persons
@who    <name> lists connect time information for a given person

Within a MOO: type 'help communication' for more help on this topic.

'say' - Say anything out ``loud'' to everybody in a room

'say' is probably the command most frequently used. Note however, that on most MOOs you can find a ``stage talk'' feature that allows you to address yourself directly to a person.

Syntax:    say <text>
           " <text>

    <text> = any kind of text


  You say, "hello"
  >say this is wonderful
  You say, "this is wonderful"

Others will see for example:

  Daniel says "hello"
  Daniel says "this is wonderful"

'emote' - Non-verbal expressions

Syntax:      emote <text>
             : <text>


  >emote smiles
  Kaspar smiles
  Kaspar laughs
  >:thinks it is time to go home
  Kaspar thinks it is time to go home

'whisper' - private communication

Syntax:     whisper "<text>" to <user>

     <user> must be somebody in the same room

Note: You must type the quotes around your text, also: the page command
has more or less the same effect. On some MOOs people in the room can see
that you whisper something to somebody.


  >whisper "now this is a secret" to Daniel
  You whisper, "now this is a secret" to Daniel.

The other will see something like:

  Kaspar whispers, "now this is a secret"

'page' - Communication over distance

'page' is being used to send messages in real time to users which are not in the same room. Note that standard information displaying the effects of this command are often different from MOO to MOO. Some users customize this command very much, so don't be surprised !

Syntax:     page <user> <text>


  >page MooBoy Hi, have you got a moment ?
  Your message has been sent.

The other will see:

  You sense that Daniel is looking for you in Daniel's Office.
  He pages, "Hi, have you got a moment ?"

Now look at a more customized version of that pageing mechanism:

  >page MooBoy Hi, have you got a moment ?
  Your message has been sent.

The other person will see:

  Kaspar [at Daniel's Office] tells his big dog to head for your place.
  He pages, "Hi, have you got a moment ?"

And when he pages back:

  >page Kaspar sure !
  The big dog gently grabs the message and heads for Kaspar

Daniel K. Schneider
Thu Apr 17 12:43:52 MET DST 1997