Warning, needs some cleaning probably (has been left alone
since Spring 97 and may crash your Browser .. it does crash my
Irix CP 1.02 but works with Win95/Cosmo 2).
Before you start reading please work out chapter
5 on page
that will teach a bit more about
JavaScript and VRML.
In this example we show how to add and remove DEFed objects from children properties of Transform/Group Nodes.
Contents: | add/remove children |
VRML: | generate/generate-js-5.wrl |
Source: | generate/generate-js-5.text |
The following code defines a node that contains child we want to reuse and that contains a TouchSensor.
DEF RedBoxSwitch Transform { translation -5 10 0 children [ DEF RedBox Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } } geometry Box {} } DEF MakeRedBox TouchSensor {} ] }
Next we define a place where we want to put a cousin of the DEFed object.
Note the empty children [ ]
of the BoxHolder
DEF Scene Group { children [ ................... DEF BoxHolder Transform { translation 0 1 0 children [ ] } ................... ] }
A little script will be activated by the touchsensor, because of this route statement:
ROUTE MakeRedBox.isActive TO GenBoxS.isActiveand then activate in turn two routes that remove/add the node.
ROUTE GenBoxS.child TO RedBoxSwitch.removeChildren ROUTE GenBoxS.child TO BoxHolder.addChildren
Here is the Code of the script
DEF GenBoxS Script { eventIn SFBool isActive eventOut MFNode child field MFNode node USE RedBox url ["javascript: function isActive(value) { if(value) child = node; } "] }
The next example is slightly more complicated, because it will allow you to ``reset'' the scene. Note that it breaks with Cosmo and works with WorldView.... maybe my fault. [Will have to work on this when I have time].
Contents: | add/remove Children |
VRML: | generate-js-6.wrl |
Cosmo: | generate-js-6C.wrl |
Source: | generate-js-6.text |
Compared to the above example we need to add a few things:
We want to add a cousin to the place where we have removed
a childe after a reset. So a typical node now looks like this
(it includes the RedBoxHolder
) Group from which we will remove/add
a child:
DEF RedBoxSwitch Transform { translation -5 10 0 children [ DEF RedBoxHolder Group { children [ DEF RedBox Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } } geometry Box {} } ] } DEF MakeRedBox TouchSensor {} ] }
Below is the script that will reset the scene. Note how we bind objects in the script in order to do some direct output (instead of using lots of routes):
DEF ResetS Script { eventIn SFBool isActive eventOut MFNode child directOutput TRUE field SFNode redBallHolder USE RedSphereHolder field SFNode redBall USE RedSphere field SFNode redBoxHolder USE RedBoxHolder field SFNode redBox USE RedBox field SFNode blueBallHolder USE BlueSphereHolder field SFNode blueBall USE BlueSphere field SFNode boxHolder USE BoxHolder field SFNode sphereHolder USE SphereHolder url "javascript: function isActive(value) { redBallHolder.addChildren = redBall; blueBallHolder.addChildren = blueBall; redBoxHolder.addChildren = redBox; boxHolder.removeChildren = redBox; sphereHolder.removeChildren = redBall; sphereHolder.removeChildren = blueBall; } " } ROUTE Reset.isActive TO ResetS.isActive
is a simple touchsensor (a yellow ball) in the scene.