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3.3 Good VRML style and performance

Now you should have most elements for writing simple VRML scenes. For the sake of mastering complexity (and also efficiency) it is important to master the following techniques:

Grouping: A lot of nodes do =>Grouping. Grouping so far encountered was mostly done with the =>Transform node. If you just want to put a series of objects into a group (without any transformation, just use the =>Group node. It is important to group objects together that can be viewed from the major angles that users are likely to use (culling effect). This way your browser won't need to render hidden objects.

Naming: Each object can be given a name with ``DEF''. In this case it can reused with ``USE'' (see =>Instancing) and look again at the examples in section 2.1 on page [*].

Once your objects get more complex and you want to parameterize you should master the =>PROTO node. Note that you can do much more than we have introduced in this section above.

Efficiency is major concern (at least today). Grouping and using instances (DEFs) already will improve the rendering of a scene. In addition when building more complex scenes make use of the following techniques:

Further reading: Chapter 10 of [Hartman et Wernecke, 1996].

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D.K.S. - 1998-03-18