2. Matériel et Standards - une introduction
File extension File type ARC ARChive (many OS's support) - compressed file(s) ARJ Yet another archive format - compressed file(s) BMP Windows and OS/2 BitMaP picture file HQX Macintosh BinHex - encoded file LZH Amiga LZH - compressed file(s) - LHarc output SEA Macintosh Self-Extracting Archive SHK Macintosh Shrinkit - compressed file(s) SIT Macintosh StuffIt - compressed file(s) UUE UNIX UUEncoding - encoded file Z UNIX LZW <<compressČ - compressed file(s) ZIP MS-DOS ZIP - compressed file(s) ZOO MS-DOS ZOO - compressed file(s)
MS-DOS: UUDECODE/UUENCODE Decoder/encoder for uuencoded files. COMPRESS Uncompresses UNIX compress files. PKUNZIP Uncompresses MS-DOS ZIP files. ARJ Compresses/decompresses ARJ format files. ZOO Uncompresses MS-DOS ZOO files. LHARC Uncompresses MS-DOS LZH files. MAC: UULite Decoder for uuencoded files, written by Jeff Strobel UUCat Decoder for uuencoded files. UUTool Decoder for uuencoded files. BinHex Decompresses HQX (BinHex) files. DeHQX Decompresses HQX (BinHex) files. CptExpand Decompresses CPT (CompactPro) files. MacCompress Decompresses Z (UNIX compress) files. MacLha Decompressor for LZH (LHarc) files. StuffIt Expander Decompressor for SIT (StuffIt) files. StuffIt Lite Decompressor for SIT and HQX (BinHex) files. UnARJ Decompresses ARJ format files. UnZip Decompresses ZIP files. Unix mcvert Decodes Macintosh BinHex files. uudecode/uuencode (normally UNIX standard) uuxfer <<Smart decoder/encoderČ written by Dave Read. uucat <<Smart decoderČ, will concatenate the files you specify, removing the headers and trailers almost flawlessly. Usage: uucat file1 .. fileN | uudecode viewer Allows you to view or archive pictures directly from NNTP with no user intervention whatsoever. It even scans the article headers to determine which pieces go together, and in what order. It will optionally open an X window to display the pictures. So once you've installed it, you just type <<viewerČ, and sit back. unzip Uncompresses MS-DOS ZIP files. lha Uncompresses LZH (LHarc) files. zip Uncompresses MS-DOS ZIP files.
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