Human Sciences Methodology
This will remain small and (hopefully) just contain the essential pointers. Only sporadically updated. I only teach a tiny methodology intro. [DKS]
Methodology at Tecfa
At Tecfa we teach some methodology (since oct. 2005). Some teaching material:
OnLine Texts
(not done, needs at least one canonical text per topic, please explore also the links chapter below)
Literature and Bibliography
General introduction to research methodology
- Bill Trochim's nice Knowledge Base (Web-based text-book, click on "contents"). Very good place to start for quantitative research (including statistics)
- Research Methods, by Christopher L. Heffner. This ten chapter research methods text is written for both undergraduate and graduate students in education, psychology, and the social sciences. It focuses on the basics of research design and the critical analysis of professional research in the social sciences from developing a theory, selecting subjects, and testing subjects to performing statistical analysis and writing the research report.
There are loads of tutorials on the web. If you are not happy with my little choice, you at this for example (see the links section also below)
- Electronic Statistics Textbook PASSWORD protected older version, get the newer source from Very good, from StatSoft the makers of Statistica !
- Statistics Glossary, also from StatSoft.
- HyperStat Online Textbook by David M. Lane at Rice University. Centered on Anova and testing. All entries have links to other sites. See also the related Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics. On a side note: Look at the humor links to take a break.
- PA 765 Statnotes: An Online Textbook by G. David Garson, NC State University. Very good Hypertext with many detailed "chapters", not always suitable for total beginners. Also makes references to SPSS procedures .
- Wikipedia Statistics. The Wikipedia has become a very good resource for some issues and models (2006).
- Tutorials - ITS / UTexas. Tutorials provide a general introduction to various software package including information on how to use statistics. (Amos, SAS, SPSS, etc.)
- Statistics Glossary, Valerie J. Easton & John McColl, Centre for Applied Statistics, Lancaster University. Good tutoraial-like site, incl. Index.
- Internet For Social Statistics. This is a free online course that shows you how to find statistics (and related informations) on the Internet and how to deal with it..
- Structural Equation Modelling in Market Research by the people who made the AMOS SEM package. Good. (SEM is not for beginners)
- Georgetown AMOS Tutorial (version 4, Intro to the program and simple multiple regression, suitable for beginners)
Qualitative Research
Network Analysis
- Link Analysis: An Information Science Approach" by Mike Thelwall. This site contains extra information related to the book. (webometrics). See also the software that can be used togetehr with the Pajek program
- Pajek is a Program for
Large Network Analysis. Here is a text and manual.
Educational Technology Research and related
(to be completed)
Software Development
(some day, I may add more things. In my group, we use mostly Atlas for qualitative and SPSS for quantitative analysis ... for the moment please see the links below)
- NetDraw Network Visualization. Free program for visualizing 1-mode and 2-mode social network data (made by Steve Borgatti and Roberta Chase, Analytic Technologies)
- Microsoft Excel: Avoid whenver you can !: However if you really must, e.g. you don't have cash for SPSS or you are too illiterate to download a free stats program: Using Excel for survey analysis (1) or
Methodology Links
(dig around and you will find it)
More General
Qualitative Research
(both formal/structured and unformal)
Network Analysis
Quantitative Research
- Statlib, datasets, scripts for various packages, routines for programmers who want to hack it their own way, etc.
- Methods in Behavioral Research by Paul C. Cozby. Good structured links for experimental research (according to chapters of his book)
- The Quant Corner INDEX by Bobbi Kerlin
- A few links related to Statistics Education by Juha Puranen. Large list of some useful links related to Statistics Education - Online Statistical teaching material, courses , handouts, exercises, articles, datasets. This is the best index I am aware of.
Associations, Journals, Forums on-line
Data and Question Archives
Finding information on the Internet
It is increasingly easy to find academic materials on the Internet. However, for resources you (or your institution) has to pay.
[To DO: Add sites with definitions of terms]
Open access
Commercial offerings
Modified: 17-Sep-2004