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Research Design for Educational Technologists - 3_Monday

Program: Top - 0_Preparation - 1_Wednesday - 2_Friday - 3_Monday - 4_Tuesday - 5_Wednesday - 6_Thursday - 7_Friday -

3_Monday - 28/3/2005

16:00 -19:00
Project Preparation
(16:00 -19:00 ) Presentation and Discussion of Homework II   (DKS, MS)
Homework III

Revise your text and present it like a research plan for a Msc thesis. It should include the following items:

  1. A "working title" of your research subject
  2. Elaborate the title with a few sentences.
  3. Present a list of your academic goals both theoretical and applied. ( Skip the list of personal, social, practical goals that will NOT be part of your master thesis).
  4. Present a list of theories and/or theoretical frameworks that relate to your goals and to your research questions. This includes design methodologies for those who are concerned. Try to find a theoretical framework that can provide you with a central focus on how to look at things.
  5. Present a list of provisional research questions and/or working hypothesis. Make sure that each goal is represented by at least one question and that your questions also relate to theory. If you can't find any theoretical grounding, say so. Note that you also will have to present formal hypothesis if your approach is theory-driven (e.g. experimental).
  6. Present a short draft of your your research design. Make sure that it is "vertically integrated" and make sure to include all the requirement elements as best as you can on this short notice: E.g. make a explicit your approach (research type) and globally make sure that we understand how you are going to answer your questions (or test your hypothesis). Therefore, make the necessary methodological statements: present analytical grids; talk about sampling (selecting of cases and observations); present the experimental design (if you have one), for concepts in your questions that need empirical data-gathering define data-gathering and analysis techniques, etc.
  7. Include a bibliography (sources you did use or that you plan to use)
  8. Please make sure to include your first-name and name on the paper !

Return Date: Thursday 16:00