TECFA's Java Page
Keywords: Java, APIs, classes, servlets.
Related Pages:
JSP Page (Java Server Pages)
XML Page (Java/XML libraries),
MySQL page (JDBC libraries)
Warning: This page is only sporadically maintained (whenever it is needed or I feel like - last real update was YEARS ago [DKS 10/2004] )
Java @ TECFA
Java Teaching at Tecfa
Java Projects at Tecfa
No serious projects at the moment
Java Environments/Compilers at Tecfa
- Initalisation d'un JDK: Voir les scripts dans /local/env/javaXXX, par exemple pour
JDK 1.1.7: taper 'source /local/env/java117.csh, pour JDK 1.4 'source /local/env/java14.csh, etc.
- Classes JAVA: Dans /local/java/classes (aucune est dans un CLASSPATH système)
Language and JDK/APIs:
The Java language
Java 1.1:
Java 1.2 & Java 1.3:
Note: doc may not be in synch with the latest installed version.
Java 1.1 / Java 1.2 Extensions:
Other stuff:
Usually, classes are installed at /local/java/classes. For applications,
see /local/java/applis. See the doc for which Java they work with.
Note: For some classes, there is no doc or no link into the www tree. Also
most of these directories are PASSWORD protected (sorry but you find these
at the original sites). There is no point that search engines give you
TECFA instead of the original.
General Tutorials
(some, needs updating)
Swing/AWT Tutorials
Specialized Swing Tutorials
See also: Swing/JFC FAQ (tables, trees, etc.) and general Swing Tutorials above.
Specialized Tutorials
Java Coding
... how to write and document good Code
On-line documentation
Judy Bishop, Java Gently, 2nd edition,
(http://www.cs.up.ac.za/javagently/), Addison-Wesley (Introduction to programming and Java). Highly
We have a local copy of the examples
- Mary Campione, Kathy Walrath,
The Java Tutorial,
Object-oriented programming for the Internet (second edition), Available on-line or as a book from Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN: 0201310074
LOCAL COPY at TECFA: (password protected)
Specialized Topics
See also: The list of locally installed Java Classes,
e.g. for XML, JDBC/MysQL, Java3D
Server-side Java (servlets)
Application Frameworks
(totally uncomplete)
- MyCompents.com
Opensource Web application server: (EJB container) + Tomcat (Servlet) + Turbine (Web Apps Framework) Jetspeed (Portal Engine) + hypersonic (Database). (not tested yet)
- JoNAS, EJB platform (an alternative to JBOSS). Embedds either Tomcat 5 or Jetty 5.
- Enhydra project, compared to standard servlet containers, this one additional functionality to build dynamic Web applications, including an XML engine (Enhydra XMLC), Database Connection Pooling, an object-to-relational mapping tool (Enhydra DODS), presentation management, session management, load-balancing / clustering (Enhydra Director), session persistence and failover, advanced logging (with log4j), easy administration and configuration, IDE integration (Enhydra Kelp), an MVC presentation framework (Barracuda), a relational ETL tool (Enhydra Octopus) ....
Java 3D
Java based Expert Systems
See also: The Expert System Shells FAQ (last modif: 4/97)
Embedded languages - Java/xxx interfaces
- Pnuts, script language for Java environment
- jpython
- Skij(Scheme interpreter in Java)
- See also: JESS above (Expert System)
Simulation Packages
Networking middleware
Development kits and tools at Sun
JDK's are free for everyone. Educational Instutitions: See the special
pointer below.
Java and Applets (Netscape)
Java versions and Browsers
Quite a problem if you decide to use advanced java stuff :) ... and
why the hell can't Sun just keep pages in some place ? We STILL
got non-swing browsers and STILL want to work without Java Plugin.
Code & applications
Major portals
(not very complete, see also general Java Sites !!)
Installed Applications at Tecfa
- Several are installed at Tecfa ... and doc is missing :)
See also our XML stuff
- Note: To run servlets we use Apache/Tomca at Tecfa. We also have an old
Sun Java WebServer and a Apache/Jserv
Most useful Java Pages (English)
Most useful Java Pages (Français)