HyperNews Instructions (at Tecfa):

Administration of Messages

You can reorganize messages that have been posted by using the copy, move, and remove commands. These operations are combined into one interface, and there are two ways to use it:

All submessages will automatically be moved or copied with it's parent.

  1. Click on the button on the bottom of the page which will redisplay the outline with a check box next to each message title. Select the messages you want, and then click on the Copy/Move/Remove button which now appears on the bottom of the page. If you want to move a message with a reply, then you only need to check the parent message's box since all replies are automatically selected and it would then try to move the same message twice. If you selected no messages, it will assume that the one you were viewing is what you want to operate on.
  2. When viewing a message in the "normal" mode (not admin) there is a button which will bring you to the Copy, Move, Delete page with the message (and its replies) you were viewing selected.

Copying: To copy a message you must specify a destination which is the path relative to the directory HyperNews discussions are stored. For example, the destination for this page is /hypernews/admin.html. The destination must be an existing forum or message to which you want the messages added, so you have to know the name of the destination before you can do a copy. Then click on NO for the delete source option. And finally push the submit button.

Moving: To move a message you must specify a destination as described above by giving a path, and the choice to delete the source is already selected. You only need to press the submit button. The message should now appear in its new home and in its previous spot there will be a placeholder forwarding any readers to the new location.

Deleting: To delete a message simply click on the submit button without specifying a destination path, and all the listed messages will be deleted. However, for delete you must delete each individual submessage by specifying it, otherwise a placeholder will be left in the place of the deleted message to point to the submessages.