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Project Leader at Tecfa: Daniel Peraya
Technical Project Coordinator: Daniel Schneider
Participants from related Euro Projects:
Allison Piguet,
Fabrice Joye
Participants of TECFA's Campus project:
Patrick Jermann,
Silvère Martin-Michiellot,
David Ott
and others. (We plan to use the this project's technology for our
own site too)
You can read an official document intitled "Projet EUN-Schoolnet, Document de référence WP 12, PARTICIPATION SUISSE (TEFCA) AU CONSORTIUM ET AU PROJET EUN-Schoolnet, (Workpackage 12)". Most of it is in English. Note that a lot of questions (in particular TECFA's contribution) are to be precised. (The document was grabbed in MS Word Format, imported into FrameMaker and saved as HTML, so it's ugly).
ALSO note that Tecfa did not participate in the writing of this proposal, we came in late and just carved out our contribution (develop a multi-user server). ALL that is officially stated about our role is that "TECFA will participate in the development of the 3D interface for the virtual library and more generally look into 3D multi-userspaces". Note that we want to integrate this work with our other work in that domain, e.g. our virtual campus project
We did have a meeting with the Project Leaders from the Biblioteca di Documentazione Pedagogica (BDP) and it was agreed that Tecfa would build a multi-user VRML-based world able to represent data from a virtual library. Primary goals identified are:
Details about how we coordinate work done at Tecfa with the rest of the WP 12 are to be specified. So bascially, the project is still quite open. All we have for now is the idea that we will build an operational multi-user 3D space that ties into information (e.g. a database).