Travaux STAF

STAF 14: Exercise 1



Oooofff,... so that was the first period of my studies STAF. First thing I noticed is that one quickly revises one's work habits. On the other hand, I am very satisfied with my progress made within this relatively short time considering that I have been breaking new ground.

I read in the homework instructions that one is not to supposed to spend days on the creation of the internet page. But that is actually what I did and what I notice my fellow students doing. Why? It was simply fun and even as a grown-up I enjoy the pleasure of easy-to-attain results, the immediate response and the visible impact on the design even on little modification in HTML programming.

Since I spent most the time available with the construction of the homepage, it is simply fair that this task receives my most attention in the following review.

1-A. Personal Homepage


When I started out, I had nothing else in my mind but understanding the algorithm and technical features of HTML programming language, picking up some basic knowledge in CSS, and setting up a simple homepage. My emphasize was on exploring the technical possibilities rather than on aesthetic aspects.

Conceptual aspects:

I took several aspects into account that appeared imperative to me. [quote] "Simplicity should be the goal of the design. Users are rarely on a site to enjoy the design, instead they prefer to focus on the content", is a key statement I jotted down while browsing in some of the books written by Jakob Nielsen and Donald A. Norman. I kept text paragraphs short and concise and avoided heavy decoration that may irritate the visitor. Instead, the access to the content of this page, namely links is highlighted in the middle in order to easily find one's way through the page. Having that thought in mind, I individualized the links on the hypertext pages in order to avoid a HOME link on the frontpage and so on. As well I imputed that the visitor does not want to switch to CV being on the page 'Travaux STAF'.

Overall, the hypertext pages follow a consistent design (color, character type) and took into account that other browsers than Netscape 4.7 and IE may interprete the HTML-file differently. That is why I chose a dark color for the text and used a light color as background. The background color is actually to please more the eye than default white.

Technical aspects:

It was the first time that I got in touch with HTML. So, reviewing my past four weeks, I need to conclude that this task gave me a hard time until I found the magnificent 'W3Schools' internetpage which perfectly guided me throughout the setup of my personal homepage. It helped me to realize most of my ideas in HTML and later on in CSS. I more or less copied and pasted the general algorithm like those of a table, list, style sheedt. I am truly grateful of their presence in the internet.

My intention was to become familiar with the language code and therefore I used 'Bloc note' to write and edit my files. Yet, I did not take advantage of CLARIS, WEBEXPERT, or XEMACS for this task but certainly will do so in the future when it comes to programming.


My homepage is certainly a compromise between the time available and personal capabilities in the programming languages which exponentially expanded during the course of the past two weeks. Overall, I spent a good amount of time trying to understand the language algorithm. The aspect of learning HTML and CSS stood in the foreground. When the style gains complexity, I will certainly define my style elements in a separate file. As well I will clearly define the directory path of those files that are attached to HREF-tags. This renders double copying of files into other directories redundant and thus saves storage space (unfortunately, I did not suceed in last-minute).

In brief, it will be interesting to look back on this first accomplishment while progressively diving into the topic of edcuational technologies.


Copy of files

1-B. Page Travaux STAF


Personalisation of the base file and adjustment of the style to the one of the personal homepage.


I modified the colors and the character type to those used in the homepage to follow a consistent design. This was done in Xemacs. In order to understand the algorithm in XML, W3Schools again provided good help. However, I would not yet be able to program in XML. Although I did understand that XML is a more sophisticated programming language, it is also more complex and not so easy to understand as it is HTML and CSS.

1-C. Identity in TecfaMOO


Setting up an identity, a virtual character that reflects myself, and a personal room in TecfaMOO that allows meetings.


As per request I created an identity "Calvin" whose description refects my major interests and a room "Calvin's home" that allows virtuel meetings. A description is also visible. I added a notice which gives personal information and can be read by visitors. Very few command were basically necessary to accomplish this task.

Travaux STAF up