This page describes the method used to obtain steering and aiming
behaviour in autonomous computer game agents. The agents are
vehicles equipped with mobile gun turrets. They learn to avoid
collisions and fire each other in a two-dimensional maze environment.
The tanks' behaviour is controlled by continuous time recurrent neural
networks (CTRNN) [Beer 1996] whose parameters are optimized using
genetic algorithms.
Traditional obstacle avoidance and also discrimination tasks, minimal
cognition, short-term memory and selective attention [Beer 1996, Slocum
et. al., 2000] are currently achievable by evolutionary robotics.
However, to date only simple behaviour can be obtained and there is a
long way to go until these techniques can be applied to physical robots
in a useful manner. However simple behaviour is precisely what is
required in many computer games. For example, playing the famous Tetris
or Archanoid games needs nothing more than simple discrimination and
sensory-motor coordination.
This project explores the suitability of CTRNNs to create artificial
opponents or allies for human players in computer games.
The game scenario consists of two enemy tanks moving about and shooting
in a simple maze. Each tank is equipped with a rotating turret holding
a gun. The tank bodies are equipped with six proximity sensors. Those
sensors inform the tank of the distance to solid objects so that
collision with walls or other tanks can be avoided. In addition, the
tank turrets
are equipped with vision sensors that allow the tank to track its
Neural Network
Because the CTRNNs have their own internal dynamics, they are able to
display some memory effect. For example, this memory effect enables the
emergence of object persistence in Beer's orientation experiments [Beer
1996]. In our setup some of the obstacles are in motion and therefore a
network with internal dynamics like a CTRNN is more likely to be able
to take that motion into account, at least to a small extent. The
used for this project were built with two-layers and encoded using
bilateral symmetry.
A population of genotypes is evolved in an empty arena of 140 x 80
units. After 200 generations, around 15 hours of real time, the
resulting behaviour is obtained. The tanks display fast forward motion,
efficient wall avoidance
and somewhat less efficient tank avoidance. The tanks learned to move
completely straight and to turn in response to sensory activity.
The above picture shows the learning curves of the mean and best
individuals of each generation.
The correct aiming behaviour was more difficult to obtain. The task had
to be decomposed into several stages of increasing complexity to help
the artificial evolution to converge. In the first stage, the tanks
were immobile
and put in an empty arena, they only had to find each other by rotating
the turret. In the second stage the tanks were moving and in the third
stage walls were added.
The steering behaviour evolved beyond expectations and was able to
avoid static as well as mobile obstacles. It is however difficult to
if this performance was superior to that of a purely reactive system.
To make sure it would be interesting to compare the performance of
evolved feed-forward and CTRNN systems. The aiming behaviour worked
equally fine, but nothing like short-time memory seemed to appear.
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TankWars.pdf (495 Kb)
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DivX-5.0 video: tanks.avi (7 MB)
MPEG-1 video: tanks.mpg (12 MB)
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