Juliette Désiron
Research collaborator, Postdoc at the Institute of Education, UZH
My research with TECFA focuses on multimedia learning. I currently work together with Sandra La Torre (upcoming PhD student) and Prof. Mireille Bétrancourt on how secondary the use and "appropriation" of videos in class by secondary school teachers. On this topic, we also look into the effect of training pre-service teacher to video edition.
My second research collaboration with TECFA is with Julien Venni (PhD student) and Prof. Mireille Bétrancourt on the comparability of emotional designs.
Finally, together with Giulia Ortoleva, we direct the master thesis of Lorain Frelechoux on the effect of instructor presence in instructional videos for UniTICE.
My other research projects at the IFE (UZH) include analyses of large scale studies such as PISA, training in VR in the team of Prof. Dominik Petko, and implementation of signaling in instructional (multi)media together with Prof. Sascha Schneider.
I also collaborate with Dr. Tino Endres on research projects linked to instructional design and interest, as well as with Prof. Alexander Eitel and Dr. Marie Christin Krebs on pre/in service teachers beliefs and knowledge of multimedia principles for instructional video. I also collaborate with Prof. Bjorn de Koning on studies in the design of signaling in multimedia documents.
I am well versed in the design of experimental studies and have used eye-tracking methodology as an online measure of comprehension processes.
My research interest also includes learners' motivation as well as the role of visuo-spatial abilities in video games.
Research Interests
- Multimedia learning
- Signaling
- Emotional design
- Text processing
- Virtual reality (training in)
- Predictors of success
- Sense of presence
Communications of research at or in collaboration with TECFA
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2021). Learning from text and animations: a study into the need for cross-representational signaling. L'Année Psychologique 2021/4 (Vol. 121), p. 393-416. DOI: 10.3917/anpsy1.214.0393
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2021). Cross-Representational Signaling and Cohesion Support Inferential Comprehension of Text–Picture Documents. Front. Psychol. 11:592509. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.592509 - [Open Access]
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2018). How Cross-Representational Signaling Affects Learning from Text and Picture: An Eye-Tracking Study. International Conference on Theory and Application of Diagrams (pp. 725-728). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91376-6_68 - [Open Access]
Class B., Schneider D. et al. (2017). Pistes réflexives sur l’apprentissage de la méthodologie de la recherche en technologie éducative frantice.net Numéro spécial 12-13, décembre 2016. - [Open Access]
Désiron J.C., de Vries E., Bartel A., Varahamurti N. (2017). The influence of text cohesion and picture detail on young readers' knowledge of science topics. British Journal of Educational Psychology DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12195
Book chapters
Désiron J.C. & Bétrancourt M. (2023) « Une image vaut 1000 mots » : en formation à distance, il faut privilégier les médias visuels par rapport au texte. In E. Sanchez & E. Paukovics (Eds.) Mythes et réalités : Apprendre à distance. Retz
Oral and poster presentations
Désiron J.C. & La Torre S. (2022). Videos in the classroom: Do they actually come with signaling (and other multimedia principles)? Swiss Psychological Society. Zurich, Switzerland
Désiron J.C. & La Torre S. (2022). Videos in the classroom: Do they actually come with signaling (and other multimedia principles)? Poster presented at the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting. Kiel, Germany
Venni, J., Désiron J.C. & Bétrancourt M. (2022). Beyond the effect size: Can visualizations from emotional design really be compared? Poster co-presented at the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting. Kiel, Germany
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2020). Struggling readers benefit from text with animation if it comprises cross representational signaling. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic (Conference online)
Désiron J.C., de Vries E. & Bétrancourt M. (2020). Struggling readers learn better from text and animation with signals than from text alone. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) San Francisco, CA, United States (Conference canceled )
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2019). Cross-representational signaling fosters text-picture integration: evidence from eye movements. Paper presented at the biannual Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Aachen, Germany
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2018). Learning with text and pictures: Effects of cohesion and cross-representational signaling. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting. Freiburg, Germany
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2018). How Cross-Representational Signaling Affects Learning from Text and Picture: An Eye-Tracking Study. Poster presented at the International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams. Edinburgh, Scotland - [Poster]
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2017). Four reading ability tests as predictors of multimedia document comprehension. Paper presented at the biannual Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Tampere, Finland
Désiron J.C., Bétrancourt M. & de Vries E. (2016). The role of comprehension ability in multimedia learning. Proceedings of EARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland - [Poster]
Désiron J.C., Schwartz N.H. & de Vries E. (2015). Comprehending Text-Graphic Combinations: Text Coherence and Level of Graphical Detail. Paper presented at the biannual Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Limassol, Cyprus
Désiron J.C., Schwartz N.H. & de Vries E. (2015). The Influence of Text Coherence and Text-Graphic Correspondence. Paper presented in a Symposium at theAmerican Educational Research Association (AERA) Chicago, IL, United States
Doctoral thesis
My doctoral research took place within the unit TECFA between 2015 and 2020.
I defended my thesis, Designing multimedia documents for struggling readers: Effects of cohesion with static or animated depictions, on September 8th, 2020.
Slides of the presentation are available following this link.
This research was funded by a Swiss National Science Foundation Doc.CH grant.