Instructions for using HyperNews 1.9*

(as installed at TECFA) If you read nothing else, read this: Please find the right place to post your message, which is probably NOT on this page. At Tecfa, a few of our HyperNews forums are listed here, the rest is crawling all over our server.

Here is a quick overview of many of the HyperNews features. The "next", "more", and "out" buttons let you navigate the thread of messages and replies on each HyperNews page. "Add Message" lets you participate in the discussion. Subscribing means you will be notified when something is added to the forum or message you are subscribed to, whereas membership means that your name, homepage, and/or e-mail address are known to HyperNews and therefore do not need to be entered every time you add a message. Some HyperNews installations may require membership to add messages or perform other actions. See below for more specific, in-depth details about various user capabilities.

Detailed Instructions

The instructions have been divided into individual forums for each topic.

More about the HyperNews System

The home page of the HyperNews System is, which lists many other known HyperNews forums and sites.

Other Instructions Pages

Here are some other HyperNews instructions pages in other languages and in different styles and arrangements.
Forum One offers a searchable index of over 32000 web-based discussion forums.    

Please do not add messages on this page about Windows 95 or any other subject that is not related to the HyperNews instructions.