HyperNews Instructions (at Tecfa):

Reading Forums and Messages

A HyperNews "forum" or "base article" looks like a normal web page except for a few additional things. There may be several "messages" appended to the end and there are controls to add a new message, change the display, etc. A "reply" is just another name for a message that has been added in reply to some other message. In HyperNews, a reply can be added to any specific message rather than only to the end of a discussion. Discussions of this form are also called "threads" and the collection of messages are called a "tree". (Technically, a message added to the top level of a base article is also a "reply" to the base article.)

At the top of each message are several header lines describing the message: the title of the message, the name of the base article, the message it is a reply to (if that is not the base article), the message that is a reply to, etc up to the base article, the date it was posted, and who wrote it.

New messages are always added after the old messages on the same level. This means that a reply to the base article will be added at the very end, after all the current messages replying to the base article and their sub-replies. The newest of the new messages have a new icon of some kind to draw your attention.

To read a HyperNews forum and the messages in it, you must, of course, first know where the forum is or find a pointer to it. Reading is usually open to the public - that's what people like about the web. However, reading can be closed to members-only for particular sites, in which case you will have to become a member first, and you may have to talk with an administrator of our site for that.

Outline and Inline

The tree of messages at the end of a HyperNews page are displayed in an outline to show, by indentation, which messages are replies to other messages. Only the titles, authors, and dates are shown for each message in the outline. If the replies go deeper than the outline depth (the default is 3), you will see a "..." where there would be more. You can click on one of the messages in the outline to see that message, and its message outline may then reveal some additional replies.

An abbreviation is used in the outline for the special case of a chain of replies - a single reply to a single reply, etc. Instead of indenting, subsequent replies are displayed at the same level prefixed by "->".

You can change how deeply nested the outline is by selecting one of the controls after "Outline Depth" on the "Messages" header line. You can increase the depth of the outline by clicking on the +1 control. The -1 control decreases the depth by one. The 1 control displays only one level and the All control displays all levels. (Older versions of HyperNews did not use icons, and did not let you increment or decrement the depth.)

Instead of viewing the tree of messages in an outline and selecting each one you want to display, you can embed the messages inline by selecting one of the controls after "Inline Depth" (this was called "Embed" in older versions). The bodies of inlined messages will be displayed sequentially in "digest" form after the message or base article they are in reply to. The 0 control will turn off inlining (the default). The 1 control will inline just one level of replies; there may be non-inlined replies to some of these replies which will be displayed in the usual outline form. The All control will inline all of the messages, leaving no outline. The title of each inlined message is a link to a page with only that message on it, so you can go there to reply to it or do other things with it.


You can use one of several navigation buttons to simplify reading of neighboring messages. These controls are only available when reading messages within a forum, not at the level of the base article.

Next Message
Go to the next message which is replying to the same thing as this message, skipping over any replies to this message. If there is no next message, go to the next message one level up. (If you are at the last message in the forum, you will be returned to the base article.)
Previous Message
Go to the previous message which is replying to the same thing. If there is no previous message, just go up to the immediate parent.
Out (or Next Thread)
Go to the next message one level up (out), skipping replies and other messages at the same level.
More (or Next-in-Thread)
Go to the first reply to the message you are currently reading. If there is no reply, go to the next message at the same or higher level. Use this to read every message in the tree.


If you are using a browser that can display frames (such as Netscape 2.0), you can try using HyperNews with frames by clicking on the "Frames" button on the bottom of the page. If you don't like it, you can turn it off by clicking on "No Frames" . With frames turned on, three frames will be displayed: a "base frame" in the upper left, an "outline frame" in the upper right, and a "message frame" in the bottom half. Clicking on a message in the outline will display it in the message frame. So far, this should be obvious. What is not so obvious is that you can display any message in the base frame by clicking on the "New Base" button on the bottom of the message frame. This will move the message currently in the message frame into the base frame, leaving the message frame empty again, and the outline frame will show only replies to that message.

Most other links in pages displayed will bring up a new window. (This is partly so that the frame history is not lost with Netscape 2.0.)