Any comments for additions or modifications are welcome.
Please, get in touch with the organizers if you have any suggestion!
This page is under permanent construction.
WWW Conference Workshop:
Teaching & Learning with the Web
at the
First WWW Conference in Geneva, May 25-27, 1994.
Important: The conference is full now.
New registrations
will be put on a waiting list. If somebody drops out, you may
drop in.
Note however that you can still submit
a contribution to the workshop.
(Its highlights) will probably be discussed
without you,
but we will maintain links to the contributions even
after the workshop
Teaching & Learning with the Web
is an ongoing effort!
Call for Participation
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss
topics (theoretical, methodological, technical, practical, ...)
related to the educational use of the Web.
Participation & Registration
- Participation: is open to everybody agreeing to contribute
in one the following ways:
- prepare a short (3-8 pages) paper
to be discussed in the workshop:
an alternative to more formal and/or longer conference papers.
- prepare a list of questions & or suggestions
(preferably with pointers to some work/reading)
on the educational use of the Web
to be discussed in the Workshop.
- suggest/present technical questions/solutions for courseware
writing with the WWW.
Contributions must be made available as a single html page before
the conference. The core of the contribution should be
contained within this page, so that we can print it out for
the workshop. Persons without access to a reliable server
can use Tecfa's server.
Duration and Form of the Workshop will be announced after
we get a "critical mass" of participants. Anyhow, we plan to make this
workshop pretty informal, since it is the first ever organized.
- Submission:
- Please fill in this
- or e-mail your contribution (html code) to
Please note, that you have to register for the
(last day for early registration has been extended to April 30).
You can find
the registration fees in the
conference registration form.
- Sunday, April 17 1994: Declaration of intent
We'd like to hear from you whether potentially you plan to participate.
This is not absolutely mandatory, but strongly suggested.
- Sunday, May 1 1994: Formal declaration of participation and draft pages.
- Friday, May 20 1994: Final pages
Suggested Topics
Subjects to be discussed in the workshop will be determined
in function of your contributions. However we'd like to
cover a relatively broad spectrum and maybe initiate the
creation of working groups for more specialized topics.
Main Topics (split across the organizers):
- WWW Courseware:
hypertextbooks and WWW support for both virtual
(online) and conventional classes. Including
case studies of virtual
prototype courses. Contact: if you have any
- WWW in the context of "traditional" distance teaching and open
learning: What are the potential problems & perspectives ?
Contact: if you have any questions.
Please cc: also to (mail forwarding problem).
- WWW, WWW courseware tools and the various Computer Assisted Learning Paradigms:.
How could
we use WWW for: CAI, CBT, CAL, ITS, MicroWorlds, etc.? How could
we integrate other (educational & CSCW) software (locally or on WANs).
Contact: if you have any questions.
- Educational Information Systems:
Campus Wide Information Systems, multimedia explorations/exhibits, etc.
Contact: if you have any questions.
(Select to look at the list of potential participants,
draft contributions, additional information about
the workshop and first information about the WS organization).
(select to check for the latest arrivals and for discussion)
For reposting on local and specialized builletin boards:
Daniel Schneider