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Educational Technology Pointers

theNode.org (Node Learning Techn. Network, e.g. instructional design) * Instructional Technology Connections * ITRC (browse!) * Live Text (Columbia) * EduTech (Formation universitaire et nouvelles technologies, Suisse - fr/eng) * OraVeP (Observatoire des ressources pour la formation) * Observatoire Des Technologies Pour L'education En Europe (fr/eng/sp) * Thot (Nouvelles de la formation à distance) * Les TICE (Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans l'Enseignement) * ntic.org (portail) * Learning and Teaching in Cyberspace (pointers page from Kearsley's book)
Web Based Training: Web-Based Instruction Resource Site (good INDEX)* EdWeb (nice hyperbook by A. Carvin) WBT Information Center * Swiss Edutech: Evaluation of Software Tools * Online educational devlivery applications (Landon's web tool for comparative analyses) * Course Management Systems * Comparison of Online Course Delivery Software Products (Marshall University's) Using the WWW to Enhance Classrom Instruction (article) * An Overview of Online Learning (S Carliner White Paper) * Distance Learning Resource Network (WestEd) * OTLNewletter (WebCT centric) * Cisco's E-Learning page * Etude comp. technique et pédagogique (des plates-formes pour la formation ouverte et à distance) * Tools compared * ALX has a list of developer tools * Halfbaked Software makes Hot Potatoes and Quandary * Apprendre ensemble par projet (article also in English) * New Features for Learning Management Systems (intro. article). * Derek Rowntree's article on DT *
Standards & Bodies : IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (P1484) * LTSA Home Page (IEEE P1484.1) * IMS (Global LEarning Consortium) * ADL Advanced Distributed Learning Network * AICC Recommendations * EC/EFTA's standarization mandate to CEN/ISSS (not much yet) *
Consortiums: EC, Prometeus (PROmoting Multimedia access to Education and Training in EUropean Society) * UK, Gestalt Project * European Schoolnet * Internet Schools (US, incl. methodes & tools!) * techconnect (US, shared experience in schools)* EC, Ariadne (Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe) * EASEL (resuable learning objects project) * I Cube (European Network for Intelligent Interfaces * Swiss Virtual Campus * JISC/JTAP (British)
Education: Discovery Channel School (large portal for Teachers, Students and Parents) * Agora Swiss research in Education (manged by Tecfa) * Education World (big portal for School Teachers) * LightSpan (Portal for teachers and kids) Educause (big association for IT promotion in education) * AskEric (clearing house for education subjects) * EduWeb * EducaSource (Ressources électronique pour l'enseignement) * Educa (Serveur suisse de l'Education) * EduWeb (German Portal) * Carables.net (French Portal) * La main à la pâte (French Portal for science edu) *
Learning/Psy: Psychology WWW VL (part of the Social Sciences VL) * Cognitive and Psychological Sciences on the Internet * Theory into Practise Database * Classics in the history of Psychology
CSCW Index (at usability first) * ACM's Human-Computer Interaction Sites * The HCI Bibliography * ISWorld: Teaching and Learning - Net Research and Scholarship
