Humanities II

Communication Sciences TSG

Bibliography for the 1996-97 Project on Persuasive Communication

Bibliographie du projet pour l'année académique 1996-97, sur la Communication persuasive.

Contents of this page:

  • On Theories of Communication (Théories de la communication)
  • On Persuasion (La persuasion)
  • On Mass Media Campaigns (Campagnes de communication)
  • On Cross-cultural Communication (Comparaisons interculturelles)
  • Methodology (Méthodologie)
  • On the Swiss STOP AIDS Campaigns (La campagne suisse STOP SIDA)

  • On Theories of Communication
    Théorie de la communication

    McQuail Dennis, Masscommunication Theory. Newbury Park: Sage, 1994 (1987).

    Additional Reading
    Textes complémentaires

    Bougnoux Daniel, Sciences de l'information et de la communication, Paris: Larousse, 1993.

    Jensen, Karl Bruhn & Rosengren, Karl Erik, « Cinq traditions à la recherche du public ». In: Hermès 11-12: pp 281-310, Paris: éd. du CNRS, 1993.

    Jensen, Karl Bruhn & Rosengren, Karl Erik, « Five traditions in search of the Audience ». In: European Journal of Communication, Vol. 5, 2-3, Sage, June 1990.

    Lazar Judith, Sociologie de la communication de masse, Paris: Armand colin, Coll. U, série Sociologie, 1991.

    Meunier J.P. & Peraya D, Introduction aux théories de la communication. Analyse sémiopagmatique de la communication médiatique, Bruxelles: De Boek, 1993

    On Persuasion

    O'Keefe, Daniel J., Persuasion: Theory and research. Newbury Park: Sage, 1990.

    Smith D.L., Video Communication. Structuring Content for Maximum Program Effectiveness. Belmont (CA): Wadsworth., 1991, pp.235-250.

    Additional Reading
    Textes complémentaires

    Dacheux, Eric, Les stratégies de communication persuasive dans l'Union européenne. Paris: L'Harmattan, coll. Logiques sociales, 1994.

    Hovland, Carl I., Janis, Irving L. & Kelley, Harold H., Communication and Persuasion: Psychological studies of opinion change. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1953.

    Kapferer, Jean-Noël, Les chemins de la persuasion : Le mode d'influence des médias et de la publicité sur les comportements. Paris: Dunod, coll. Entreprise, 1990.

    Pfau, Michael and Parrot, Roxanne, Persuasive Communication Campaigns, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1993.

    Reardon, Kathleen Kelley, Persuasion in Practice. Newbury Park: Sage, 1991.

    Reardon, Kathleen Kelley, Persuasion, Theory and Context. Beverly Hills: Sage, Sage Library of Social research, Vol. 122, 1981.

    On Mass Media Campaigns
    Campagnes de communication

    Rogers E.M. & Storey J.Douglas, « Communication Campaigns ». In: C.R.Berger & S.H.Chaffee (eds.), Handbook of Communication Science. Newbury Park: Sage. 1987, pp 817-847.

    Additional Reading
    Textes complémentaires

    Rice Ronald E. & Paisley, William J., Public Communication Campaigns, Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981.

    Salmon, Charles T., (ed), «Information Campaigns: Balancing Social Values and Social Change» in: Sage Annual Reviews of Communication Research, Volume 18. Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1989.

    On Cross-cultural Communication
    Comparaison interculturelle

    Gudykunst, W.B., « Cross-cultural comparisons ». In: C.R.Berger & S.H.Chaffee (eds.), Handbook of Communication Science. Newbury Park: Sage. 1987, pp 847-889.


    Berger, Arthur Asa, Media Analysis Techniques. Beverly Hills: Sage, The Sage CommText Series, 1982.

    Jensen, Klaus Bruhn & Jankowski, Nicholas W., A Handbook of Qualitative Methodologies for Mass Communication Research, London: Routledge, 1991.

    Neuman, W. Russell, « Parallel Content Analysis: Old Paradigms and New Proposals ». In: Comstock George (ed.), Public Communication and Behavior, San Diego: Academic Press, Vol. 2, 1989, pp 205-289.

    On the Swiss STOP AIDS Campaigns
    La campagne suisse STOP SIDA

    Kurth W. Kocher et al.; The Stop Aids Story 1987-1992; Basel, 1993

    Kurth W. Kocher et al.; The Stop Aids Story, Part 2 1993-1995; Basel, 1996

    Additional bibliographical pointers (in German and English) are available on the Goettingen University HUMANITIES page.

    Back to the HUMANITIES Overview page.

    This list is open to any proposition, criticism or addition. Please mail your comments to
    Daniel D'Ancona, Lowe Hedman or P. Dunand Filliol.

    (last update, 25.10.96)