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This page contains overview information, refer to the official eTeach-Net site for more information. As soon as courses are put in production there will be links to different teaching-sites run by various partners.

Duration: November 2004 + 24 month.

eteach-Net is a joint Swiss virtual campus project involving 9 higher education institutions in Switzerland (UniGE, UniSG, UniBS, USI, ETHZ, SUPSI, BFH, FHNW, ZFH) and also training organizations. The major objective of the project is to develop reusable teaching modules about technical, pedagogical and didactic concepts of e-teaching. These modules will mainly be integrated into the curricula of postgraduate studies: For example a sequence of five modules will be part of a course for the International Engineering Educator Diploma (ING-PAED IGIP); another module will be integrated into a master course on Human Resources Management; a further module on virtual projects will be an integral part of a master degree in educational technologies. Some of the material will also be used for faculty development (in particular by partners from support structures). In order to enhance retention and transfer, some of the resources will also be set up and made available as follow-up of the courses.

The following modules will be produced by our various partners: TECFA is the workpackage leader for module M7 on project-oriented learning teaching. This module (M7) will be offered as a chargeable course in blended format. Students will work with the same kind of software that they will use later with their own students for project-oriented teaching (e.g. Moodle or PostNuke). Learning materials will be produced either with a wiki (based on the media-wiki engine) or papers stored in a CERN document server [URLs will be available later].

The SEED Team @ TECFA:

Partner sites & official Eteach-Net home

Last modified: Tue May 31 14:07:26 MEST 2005