- Hercule asks the ski teacher about the jacket that he forgot in the victim's room (37:16)
- On the whiteboard, Hercule creates a box "Hans had an affair with Mona Lisa" and draws an arrow between the box representing victim and Hans box, with the label "Lover". (39:10 - 39 -55)
- Sherlock does not acknowledge this arrow, but disagrees on another arrow drawn at the same time (see example 33 below).
Example 1 (from protocol 5.2)
- Hercule has almost not been talking to Sherlock for 43 minutes, they collected notes on the whiteboard.
- He goes to the Auberge private residence and reads the insurance contract (42:24)
- He pages to Sherlock "Look at private residence" (43:30)
- Sherlock goes to private residence (46:36)
Example 2 (from protocol 6.2)
- A short time after example 6... Hercule exclaims "Did you see that the restaurant is open from 6 to 10, all of those who went to the restaurant had to leave at 10, the crime hour". (54:30) Sherlock does not acknowledge (?)
Example 3 (From protocol 7.2 - we translate)
- Sherlock pages "I propose that we go together to ask Oscar Saleve" (48:39)
- Sherlock moves to the kitchen where Oscar is (48:49).
- Hercule answers "Ok" (48:55) and types "who" (49:10) to check where Sherlock is (actually, he as received a message saying that Sherlock has arrived.)
- Sherlock asks Oscar about last night (49:16), they both can see the answer.
- Hercule pages in French "Oscar, he is lying" (49:47) and asks other questions to Oscar.
- Sherlock answers "Probably" (50:07)
Example 4 (from protocol 6.2)
- Hercule and Sherlock discuss in the lobby.
- Hercule: "We should ask about the painting to Oscar" (1:56:44)
- Sherlock: "Your are right" (1:57:04)
- Hercule walks to the kitchen (where Oscar is). Sherlock receives a message saying that Hercule has left the room. (1:57:10)
- Sherlock types'follow hercule', but this commands fails because Hercule had to be in the same room (1:57:33)
- At the same time, Hercule asks Oscar about the painting (1:57:33)
- Sherlock types'join hercule' and arrives in the kitchen (1:57:40)
- Hercule says "Did you see the answer?" (Hercule knows that, when he asks a question to a suspect, anybody else in the same room will see the answer. However. he is not sure this was the case for Sherlock because times were very close). (1:57:55)
- Sherlock answers "No" (1:58:03)
- Sherlock adds "but I consult the detective notebook 1" where all answers are automatically stored, thereby repairing himself the non grounded of information (1:58:20)
- Sherlock decides to repair it as well and say "He say It is our pride and joy, an original Magritte estimated to be worth 1 million Swiss francs." This repair is not costly because Hercule probably cut and pasted Oscar's answer (no rephrasing).
Example 5 (protocol 4.2)
- Sherlock pages "Mona was the agent insurance and insure certainly the painting. Somebody say that there was a misunderstanding between Mona Lisa and the art student about the painting. Mona said it was real one and the student a fake one. Is that right?" (1:55:47). Sherlock explicitly request an acknowledgment
- Hercule pages "right" (1:56:19)
Example 6 (from protocol 6.2)
- Sherlock says "What seems strange is hat Mona-Lisa tried to phone at 6:00 PM to retract the contract, then she knew for a day that the painting was a fake..." (1:32:41)
- Hercule reads all information in his notebook which concerns the phone calls (1:33:26).
- Sherlock reads all information in his notebook as well (1:33:36)
- Hercule pages "Do you think that she was calling Oscar" (1:33:57).
- Since he does not receive an immediate answer, he repeats the same message at 1:34:47 and 1:34:54. (The subjects were instructed to use the arrow key to avoid retyping the last command when they did a typing mistake, but several subjects used it for insisting or showing impatience).
- Sherlock pages "Why Oscar..."(1:35:06)
- Hercule pages "Why did you talk about retracting the contract" (1:35:40)
- Sherlock pages "When she knew it was a fact (-she mean a fake-), she had to make her possible to retract the contract because if the painting is stolen, the insurance has to pay 100000Frs." (1:36:41)
- Hercule pages "Exactly, I don't know if she tried to call the insurance though, but anyway, it seems like a good enough reason to kill the victim"
- Sherlock pages "Yes, I do believe that too (1:38:41)
Example 7 (from protocol 6.2)
- Sherlock says "We have to elaborate a strategy to get all the info we need" (0: 33)
- Almost at the same time, Hercule says "There are 8 rooms, I do the 4 in the upper corridor and you do the other, ok?" (0:34)
- Sherlock says "Ok and we send messages to each other" (O:51)
- Hercule says "Ok" (1:02)
- Sherlock says "We ask to see or read the object in each room" (1:28)... they start working... and sometime later....
- Sherlock pages "I write all the info that I find, you could do the same, hence we will get the global picture." She refers to the fact that she notes information on the whiteboard. (12:10)
Example 8 (from protocol 7.2. - we translate)
- Hercule pages "We have to make a break, to chat and to dismiss those who could not kill" (1:41:12)
- After some miscommunication, Sherlock pages "We dismiss Lucie, ok?" to acknowledge that sub-goal (1:43:22)
Example 9 (from protocol 7.2 - we translate)
- Sherlock suggests "Let make a list of the persons who could steal the gun" (1:03:14)
- Hercule does not accept this offer. Instead he talks about motives: "Oscar has painting assured, but it was fake, as we can see by the fact that Lisa told victim and she was disappointed." (1:04:17)
- Hercule continues "If victim is dead and Oscar destroys/steals etc. painting, he will get all the money." (1:04:55)
- Sherlock seems to abandon his plan, and comments on Hercule's point: "Yes. It's possible but it's a family, there could be a plot..." (1:06:27)
Example 10 (protocol 6.2)
- Sherlock pages "She was at the bar till 7:45. Then she went out with Lucie. I will talk to her to check that". (1:31:43)
- Hercule pages "OK, talk to Lucie" (1:33:05)
Example 11 (protocol 4.2)
- Sherlock pages "I inspect the room 5,6,7,8 to begin" (1:01).
- Hercule does not acknowledge explicitly, but explores successively rooms 4 to 1, then the bar.
Example 12 (from protocol 6.2)
- Hercule and Sherlock have agreed to split the rooms (see example 12), but they did not explicitly share the other rooms which do not belong to a coordinator (the bar, the kitchen, the private residence and the restaurant). Sherlock is faster than Hercule, she can see that by watching at the information that Hercule put on the whiteboard. When she has finished 'her' rooms, she decides to explore the other rooms.
Example 13 (from protocol 7.2)
- In room7, Hercule says "We dismiss Lucie, Ok", but Hercule does not receive this message because he is in room6. (1:41:59)
- Sherlock does of course acknowledge since he did not receive this message
- One minute later, Hercule types'who' to see where is Sherlock (1:42:51)
- Then Hercule types 'walk to room6' to join Sherlock. (1:43:04)
- Hercule repeats his previous utterance "We dismiss Lucie, Ok". (She can re-enter previous commands by using the keyboard arrows).
Example 14 (From protocol 7.2 -we translate)
- At the beginning, Sherlock said "I inspect the room 5,5,7,8 to begin' (1:01)
- Hercule does not acknowledge verbally, but inspects the rooms 4 to 1.
- This implicitly agreed strategy does not specify who will inspect the rooms between the two corridors (bar, kitchen,...) Hercule goes faster than Sherlock. When he has finished 'his' rooms, Hercule types 'who' and sees that Sherlock is still in room 6. (This information is confirmed by what facts Sherlock has reported on whiteboard).
- Hercule moves to the bar.
Example 15 (From protocol 6.2)
- Hercule and Sherlock were both in room 5 for a few minutes
- Hercule leaves for room 8 (58:06)
- Sherlock pages "Where are you going" (58:40)
Example 16 (From protocol 4.2)
- For a long time in this pair, Hercule and Sherlock had difficulties to dialogue. They finally build the habit to meet in the same room when they want to discuss.
- They are both in the bar Sherlock leaves the bar (2:20:37)
- Hercule immediately pages "Where are you going"
Example 17 (from protocol 7.2 - we translate)
- Hercule pages "We should probably use a colour code" (20:56)
- Sherlock doesn't acknowledge.
- Hercule draws a box with a legend: "Blue border = Motive; Yellow border = Weapon; "Green Border = Opportunity". He adds to the bottom "Something like that. What do you mean" and hence uses the whiteboard for direct communication (request for acknowledgment).
Example 18 (protocol 5.2)
- Hercule says "We dismiss Lucie, ok" (1:43:22)
- Sherlock answers "Yes, Lucie did not get the gun, no motive and she is out of the Auberge. (1:43:49)
- Hercule says "Giuzzepe has nothing to do here, dismiss ok?" (1:44:40)
- Sherlock answers "Ok" (1:45:28)
- Sherlock proposes two things: "We remove the box with Lucie and Giuzeppe" (1:47:23) and "We cross Lucie and Giuzeppe" (1:47:38)
- Hercule almost simultaneously asks "Giuzeppe, you want to keep him?" (1:47:39)
- Sherlock answers "No" (1:47:45)
- Hercule acknowledge by "Ok" and removes the box.
- Sherlock complains "We have to keep the info, it may be important"
Example 19 (protocol 7.2 - we translate)
- Sherlock and Hercule were talking about Rolf Loretan Hercule says "Your idea sounds reasonable. Although the others do not have a good alibi" (53:39)
- Hercule says "I would do more questions around. What do you think?" (54:15)
- Sherlock answers to Hercule's first utterance: "It's not Rolf because he stayed with his wife until Mona Lisa was killed (54:18)
- Sherlock answers to Hercule' second utterance: "Go ahead" (54:40)
Example 20 (protocol 4.2)
- Sherlock pages "Let me tell you something". (1:47:03)
- Hercule join Sherlock (1:47:37)
- Hercule says "Tell me" (1: 47:45)
- Sherlock says "At 8.30 Rolf went to the kitchen to search for aspirin...:" (1:48:32)
Example 21 (protocol 4.2)
- Hercule asks "Why did you put a second arrow?" (#337)
- Sherlock answers "Because, these are those who could have killed." (#338)
- Hercule says "But why Giuzzepe? He had no reason to kill." (#339)
Example 22 (protocol 1 - spoken conversation)
- Hercule gives his notebook to Sherlock (both detectives use a MOO object called notebook which records the answers to all questions they have asked) (1:24:44)
- Sherlock says "Thank you" (1:24:50)
Example 23 E (from protocol 5.2)
- Hercule reads his notebook to Sherlock (28:26)
- Hercule says "Do you see the notes?" (29:37)
- Sherlock says "yes"
Example 24 (from protocol 4.2)
- For a long time in this pair, Hercule and Sherlock had difficulties to dialogue. They finally build the habit to meet in the same room when they want to discuss. They are both in the bar Sherlock leaves the bar (2:20:37)
- Hercule immediately pages "Where are you going"
Example 25 (from protocol 7.2 - we translate)
- Sherlock suggests initially (1:01)that he will initially explore rooms 5 to 8. Hercule does not agree explicitly, but explores successively rooms 4 to 1, then the bar, implicitly agreeing on the geographical split strategy.
Example 26 (from protocol 6.2)
- Hercule as been asking twice to Sherlock to give his notebook to Hercule, but Sherlock uses 'show' instead of 'give', hence Hercule cannot read it. Hercule says "Probably you are reading my notebook. Please hand me yours so that I can also read." (1:23:36) Sherlock answers "I thought I did" (1:23:55), and does it again: 'Show dn1 to hercule" (1:24:12) Hercule types 'look me' to check whether he has or not this notebook. He has not. (1:23:59) Hercule says "Please type: give dn1 to hercule' (1:24:29) Sherlock types 'give dn1 to hercule' (1:24:44) Hercule says "thank you" (1:24:50)
Example 27 (from protocol 5.2)
- Hercule says "There are complementary information, he went to see the girl around 10." (#97)
- Sherlock says "Which girl?" (#98)
- Hercule answers "So, Mona-Lisa, the one who has been killed. He went to his her room. ..." (#99)
Example 28 (from protocol 1 - We translate)
- The detectives are talking about Oscar's motive to kill... Sherlock pages "And he could not have taken the weapon because it was left in the bar" (1:10:46)
- Hercule asks "The weapon was in the bar?" (1:23:23)
- Hercule reads all his notebook and Sherlock reads the information about the gun and the Colonel in his notebook.
- Hercule says "Well, Sherlock it's all a bit confusing" (1:15:20)
- Sherlock answers "Sorry I misunderstood what the kolonel said. The gun was in his room." (1:15:32)
- Hercule acknowledges "Yes, the gun was his" (1:15:43) At this stage, this point seems repaired but sometime later...
- Hercule pages "But, why did you mean when you said that he gun was at the bar? Who brought it there from the Colonels room? (1:29:40)
- Sherlock pages "I was wrong when I said it was at the bar. It was in colonel's room." (1:30:42)
- Hercule acknowledges "Ok" (1:33:02)
Example 29 (from protocol 5.2)
- Hercule has created an arrow between Mona-Lisa Vesuvio (the victim) and Oscar, with the label "husband" (39:55)
- Sherlock pages "why do you put husband between Oscar and ML? Her husband is Giuzeppe" (41:22)
- Hercule moves the arrow and creates a box with Giuzeppe Vesuvio, the real husband (42:00)
- Hercule pages Sherlock "Thank you that was stupid" (42:03)
- Hercule makes a box "Giuzeppe Vesuvio" (the real husband) (42:22) and moves the arrow. (43:00)
Example 30 (protocol 5.2)
- Hercule went to the private residence and read the insurance contract (15:28). This contract is a key element in the story. He does not communicate about this finding in the MOO, but instead draws a box "Oscar Salve" on the whiteboard (15:52 -> 16:25)
- Sherlock pages "What about Oscar?" (16:56)
- Hercule draws a box "Mona Lisa (victim)" (16.58) then he draws a line with bidirectional arrows between "Mona Lisa" and "Oscar Saleve" (17.04).
- This drawing does not really answer to (3), there are almost synchronous, it is more a kind of joint completion à la Roschelle and Teasley (1995)
- Sherlock pages "Are you accusing Oscar?", i.e. attempts to ground the meaning of Hercule's (still uncompleted) drawings. (18:07)
- Hercule creates a box with "Motive: Money (Insurance contract / private residence") (18.13). He probably started to write the previous utterance, hence once again this done in parallel.
Example 31 (From protocol 5.2)
- Hercule went to the kitchen and asks Oscar about last night, the victim, the gun and the jacket (24:41-25:45).
- Hercule does not report that verbally (but it has been discussed before), instead he creates a box with "Gun==> Owner: Colonel / Jacket => Owner: Hans" (26-48).
- Sherlock acknowledges this my moving and resizing it (26:49).
Example 32 (From protocol 5.2)
- Hercule put a note put a note "Kolonel is witness of struggle between Mona-Lisa and your art student (Hans?) on whiteboard (31:11)
- Sherlock asks questions to Mona-Lisa about last night (1:02:23)
- Sherlock delete Hercule's note (1:02:37)
- Sherlock asks questions to Mona-Lisa about the victim (1:03:00)
- Sherlock edit Hercule's note, replacing HANS by LISA, and paste it on the whiteboard.
Example 33 (From protocol 5.2)