Short of being able to discuss the HTML mark-up language in length, let's examine a simple example of a WWW "page" demonstrating its syntax:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Title (Name) of this html page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Big Title</H1> <H2>Title 2</H2>Here is a list: <UL> <LI> element 1 <LI> element 2 </UL> This is an enumerated list: <OL> <LI> element 1 <LI> element 2 </OL> This is a simple paragraph. Text will be formatted. <A HREF="http://tecfa.unige.ch/info-www.html">Click HERE </a> to learn more about the World-Wide Web.<p> Here is a preformatted paragraph: <pre> This is a simple paragraph. Text will not be formatted. This is a simple paragraph. Text will not be formatted. </pre> <A HREF="http://tecfa.unige.ch/tecfa/general/tecfa-people/schneider.html">D.S.</A> </BODY> </HTML> Title (Name) of this html page BIG TITLE Title 2 Here is a list: * element 1 * element 2 This is an enumerated list: 1. element 1 2. element 2 This is a simple paragraph. Text will be formatted. Click HERE to learn more about the World-Wide Web. Here is a preformatted paragraph: This is a simple paragraph. Text will not be formatted. This is a simple paragraph. Text will not be formatted. D.S. Figure 2: Sample Output using a line browserHTML is an extension of the SGML language which is widely used in the editing industry for describing the logical structure of a document. An HTML element normally is delimited by tags: "<tag_name> text </tag_name>". A tag may include a name, some attributes and some text or hypertext. For example: "<TITLE>Title (Name) of this html page</TITLE>" specifies the name of a page. An HTML document is composed of a single element: "<html>...</html>" that is, in turn, composed of head and body elements: "<head>...</head>" and "<body>... </body>". Text displayed in a browser is part of the body and its structure is defined by tags like "<h1> . . . </h1>" (prominent header), "<p>" (paragraphs) or "<ul> <li> First item in the list, <li> Next item in the list, ...</ul>" (unordered lists). There are several kinds of hypertext links. Its simplest form is: "<A HREF="Universal Resource Locator">D.S.</A>" ("D.S" will display as a hypertext button). The HTML page in the example above will display with a simple line browser (like "Lynx") as shown in figure 2.There are several ways of producing HTML pages:
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