ICCAI 95 article
The fact that two learners can learn collaboratively is in some way a puzzle. From a 'learning as knowledge transmission' perspective, if two agents A and B both ignore some piece of knowledge, there is no reason why they could acquire this knowledge by simply collaborating. Since such learning actually occurs, scholars have suggested some mechanisms which account for knowledge acquisition through collaboration. Some of these mechanisms clearly relate to some psychological theory, mainly the socio-constructive and socio-cultural approaches. Other mechanisms belong, in a more 'neutral' way, to the recent work in cognitive psychology and cognitive science. The order in which we present these mechanisms does not reflect their importance in collaboration. These mechanisms are of course not independent, some of them may even correspond to the same cognitive processes, analysed from a different perspective.
- 2.1 Conflict or disagreement
- 2.2 The alternative proposal
- 2.3 (Self-)explanation
- 2.4 Internalization
- 2.5 Appropriation
- 2.6 Shared cognitive load
- 2.7 Mutual regulation
- 2.8 Social grounding
ICCAI 95 article - 08 FEB 95
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