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At a moment when distance education - with the help of maturing communication technologies - makes a growing use of mediated forms of educational communication, we have thought it interesting to recall that theoretical research and research fields do not necessarily evolve with new technological objects: a whole set of problems tackled today with so-called 'new' technologies are in fact old questions: they already stood at the core of 'old' technologies.

To exemplify: auditory and visual literacy were among the main themes of research in semiology which yielded results applicable to the field psycho-pedagogy during the '70s. It is surprising to see them reappear almost as such in research on multimedia and on computer graphics... Besides, the significance and the sphere of influence and dissemination of technologies have also expanded quite a lot, as well as the political, institutional and economical interest at stake.

Another case in point (see above Section 5) is the distinction between presentation forms used and media applied. This subject is haunting pedagogical literature and research since thirty years, without having managed to have any kind of influence on actual pedagogic practice.

Finally, the refusal to take into account basic sociological aspects such as user profiles, social practice and environmental niches as well as the exclusive attention given to technological innovation, are attitudes that have negative consequences on the actual implementation of projects especially in the field of communication technologies applied to teaching and are likely to alter their development and their quality in the long term.

It would be a pity that computer mediated communication (CMC), in its contemporary developments, would reproduce the same errors, and hence meet the same failures than other innovative technologies from earlier times. Technology is indeed never as such the vector of methodological evolution, and even much less of a pedagogical revolution. It may at best only be an opportunity for renewal.


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Translator's notes

a) The French speaking use of the word, audio-visual means teaching and learning with specific technological items: motion pictures, TV, slides, audio cassettes, etc.

b) Linguistic studies classically cover three fields : syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Within the field of pragmatics, the 'speech acts theory' explains the effects of language on recipient/listeners.

c) 'Socio-cultural' and 'socio-educational' are compound adjectives literally borrowed from the French: they describe both a given culture and the social group bound to it, in, perhaps, the American sense of the word culture. 'Socio-educational', is a qualifier that has even more precise connotations in the sense of education targeted on specific groups and aiming at the social integration of individual behaviour through training providing basic socially recognised skills and abilities.

d) The word hardware misses the sense of collection of metallic tools the French word still retains, hence the old British word being proposed here as a translation of 'quincaillerie'.

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