
The newsgroup is an asynchronous communication tool. It allows you to gather the messages of a group of persons interested in the same topic.

Information about the use of the tool is given in the technical guide (see archives). Here is an abstract :

1. Setup

A newsgroup software has to be set up as an email software. You have to enter :

When you are into the Learn-Nett virtual campus, you click on the link to access to the Café or your newsgroup, Netscape adds automatically the server name "" in its news servers list as well as the group name "other.learnett". So it’s not necessary to set up the server as explained below.
On the other hand, you always have to verify your name, your email address as well as the encoding type.

2. To read and send messages

When you enter in the group, all the messages already posted are displayed. The answers to the messages are displayed below. To read a message, you have to click on it and the text appears in the window under the messages list.

To send a new message, click on « New Msg » or CTRL+M, fill in the form and send it (that looks exactly like an email).
To answer to a message, select the message and click on « Reply » or CTRL+R. Before to send it, verify that your usual email software is closed.