The Tecfa team approach and the 2001-2003 plannification
Responding to this mandate will allow to bring answers to these
questions for the benefit of the projects involved but also for the
teaching community as a whole. Therefore, our approach will be at the same
time local, at the level of each project involved, and global, for the definition
of a general evaluation framework of the integration of ICT in higher education.
The three axes of the mandate are closely linked and will feed each other during our activities. However activities of support will feed mainly the two others.
Taking into account researches on training and support for adults, our approach needs to be participative and will be carried out in collaboration
with the actors of each of the projects, considering their teaching choices and data privacy. Concerning the 1st axe of the mandate we have planned actions proposed to the people in charge of the projects as a starting point.
- First step : first contact and orientation
To meet each team for discussing about the mandate, expectations and strategies
- Second step : state of the situation and needs analysis
To meet each team for having a better understanding of the project and drawing an action plan.
- Third step : activities of specific support according to the needs identified by the project team and Tecfa team during the previous meetings.
- Fourth step : animation of a virtual community with a web environment (
- Fifth step : common face to face activities with all the teams : workshop, seminars, etc. According to convergent interests and needs.
Moreover, we are considering a full collaboration with the teams responsible
for the technical and pedagogical support within the projects (examples
: the NTE center in Fribourg, the cenTEF in Lausanne, etc.) and other
teams in charge of the pedagogical and technical mandates.
For more details about our activities, please take a look at IntersTICES publications .
Planification 2002-2003
Axe 1 of the mandate : Activities of support and supervision of the projects
First step : first contact and orientation |
Second spet : state of the situation and needs analysis |
30/04/2002(exept for 1 project)
Third step : activities of specific support |
December 2003
Fourth step : animation of a virtual community |
December 2003
Fifth step : common face to face activities |
Automn 2002
December 2003
Axe 2 of the mandate : Activities of state of the situation and needs analysis
This task will be realised through all the activities. So it extends to all the time of the mandate. |
Axe 3 of the mandate : Evaluation framework of the pedagogical innovation
This task will be also realised through all the activities. Our participation at the international research community will enrich this dimension of our work. We will propose a first version of the framework for Automn 2002. We will share it with the projects for a collective construction. |