Remarque : ceci est un travail scolaire.
Il n'a pas de caution scientifique, médicale ou autre, et, bien que cet élève ait fait un travail qui a été accepté dans le contexte scolaire, il ne peut prétendre être une source fiable d'informations !

Projet YRE 99-2000 à Genève

Title of your project - 15 words maximum.

Is Genetic Modification Dr Je(netic)kyll or Mr. Hy(yiel)de ?

Summary description of your project - 100 words maximum

On one hand GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) are quite controversial in europe on the other, medicine benefits from Genetical Engineering since many years for various cures and great hopes lie in new therapies for serious diseases. Can these very different issues stem from the same techniques ? Can we progress on one hand and not on the other ?

Full description of your project

a) in-depth scientific approach of genetic engineering : The sudents produce a report on this research.

b) Explore various opinions on this issue (green ONGs, Agrobusiness, authorities, Consumer, Health, Ethical, etc ) Other european countries welcome to introduce different points of view. Produce interviews and analysis : common article.

c) Debate : oppose different ideas and opinions from other countries and find a few precise questions tu explore in more detail.

d) synthesis : articles, full report including final common synthesis (european article).

Full description of your project Contribution expected from others schools :

Polling of opinions in different countries Different laws and regulations. Discussion of findings. Common article(s)

Ce projet a été déposé dans la zone agriculture du site YRE.

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