MOO beginner's Guide

[sorry this text need some formatting, it is just a copy from the in-MOO 'help beginners']

Here is some summary information on how to do the most basic actions in a
MOO. Note that there are lots of other commands; these are best learnt through
practice, by observing and asking other participants.

1. Getting basic information

You can always type 'help' to get an index of help topics. To get specific
help about communication, for example, you can type 'help communication'.

To find out what the room you're in looks like, just type 'look'. To get
information on the objects around you, you can:

          look <object> 
'examine <object>' to get the description, and additional information, like
the owner of the object, and some commands to use it.

To know who else is connected at any time, type '@who'. You get also
information on where they are, for how long they have been connected, and
when they were active last. To communicate with people not in your room, you
can 'page' them (see below). Note people may be idling and/or be away from
their console.

2. Basic Navigation

See also: 'help movement')

Usually when you are in a location (called "rooms" in MOO terminology) exits
connecting to other rooms are listed. To go there just type the exit name,

To join a person, type:
                @join <name>
Note that is is usually polite to page a person and ask whether you can
join her.

To go to a remote place, type:

                @go <place>
both @join and @go use an algorithm that will walk you there if possible,
or teleport you directly.

3. Basic Communication

See also: 'help communication')

In the following examples, your character name is 'John'. To communicate
with people in the same room you're in, you can talk, emote, whisper,
think and more:

3.1 Speaking

         say Hello, there.
"Hello, there
Those are equivalent methods for speaking. Visible to everyone in the same
room. You see: You say, "Hello, there."

3.2 To communicate with people not in your room, you can 'page' them:

          page Jane Do you have some free time?
'Jane Do you have some free time?
3.3 Emoting:
           emote smiles.
Those are equivalent methods for 'emoting': expressing non-verbal
actions. visible to everyone in the same room.
          You see: John smiles. 
3.4 Whispering:
          whisper "Jane, I am bored" to Jane 
The message is only visible to Jane, but other people will see that you're
whispering to her.
   You see: You whisper, "Hello, Jane darling" to Jane. 
3.5 Thinking:
          think I think therefore I am. 
Thinking is visible to everyone in the same room.
    You see: John . o O ( I think therefore I am ) 
3.6 Directed speech:

Often when several people are in the same room, you may want to address a
particular person:

          -Jane I agree with you. 
`Jane I agree with you.
You see: You say to Jane, "I agree with you."
Jane sees: John says to you, "I agree with you."
Others see: John says to Jane, "I agree with you."

3.7 You can also page-emote:

           +Jane is shaking his head
You see: "Jane sees: John is shaking his head"

4. Customizing

Usually when you get a character (or username) here, you will need to
customize your "look":

Your description describes you "visually"

       @describe me as "A tall person with a white beard"
You also should set your gender to male or female (for pronoun substitution)
       @gender male
Structured information about yourself can be entered via the Web interface.
Just click on yourself and fill in the forms.

If you want to customize your office and/or build rooms and objects,
type 'help building', in particular 'help creation'.

5. Other

To change your password:

      @password <old password> <new password> 
If you have trouble with text running off your screen, or if you
receive only the beginning of the lines, you might try the following

@wrap on -- to make the MOO wrap the text you read
@linelength XX -- to set the length of your lines, in letters, to XX
@pagelength XX -- to set the length of your page, in lines, to XX
@more rest/flush -- to read/flush suspended output

Finally, to logoff: @quit

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