Now let's examine $web and its key verbs (as in TECFAMOO of Sept 95):
Web (#1200) [ readable ]
Child of Root Class (#1).
#1200:get_mime Irradiate (#226) rxd this none this
#1200:generate_error Irradiate (#226) rxd this none this
#1200:path_to_list Irradiate (#226) rxd this none this
#1200:log Irradiate (#226) xd this none this
#1200:do_login_command Irradiate (#226) rxd this none this
#1200:headdisplay Irradiate (#226) rxd this none this
#1200:get_htext Irradiate (#226) rx this none this
#1200:hdisplay Irradiate (#226) rxd this none this
#1200:do_url Irradiate (#226) rx this none this
#1200:is_netscape Irradiate (#226) rxd this none this
So the usual calling sequence is:
The $web:hdisplay verbs dumps back lines of html to the www client. If it breaks it means that its argument has been misconstructed somewhere down the line. It expects the following kind of construction:
args[1][1] htext: a list of strings (the actual html text)
dumped to the www client
[1][2] wooer: the calling player #
[1][3] headers: client headers
[1][4] keep: connection open bit (0 or 1)
This is quite easy to understand, now let's examine the harder stuff, i.e. how the request is parsed by $web:get_htext.