2-2 Presentation of MOO & WOO environments
Having connected to a character, participants then give on-line commands that are parsed and interpreted by the MOO server as appropriate. Such commands may cause changes in the "virtual reality", such as the location of the user. In the MOO architecture, everything is represented by objects. Each person, each room, each thing is considered as an object that can be looked at, examined and manipulated. The MOO keeps a database of objects in memory and this means that once created objects are still available at each session. A MOO world can be extended both by "building" and by programming. "Building" means creation and customization of new objects starting with some prototypical object. The internal programming language is quite powerful. It has been used to add an impressive set of objecs for professional use (such as an internal WWW client, generic classrooms, in-MOO information systems ). Note that it is possible to port objects between different MOO servers (provided that permission is given)
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