Recommended Books:
- For starters: Hartman, J. et Wernecke, J. (1996). The VRML 2.0
Handbook, Building Moving Worlds on the Web. Addison Wesley, Reading
(MA) + CD
- For the details (graphics): Ames, A. L., Nadeau, D. R., et
Moreland, J. L. (1996a). The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook. Wiley, New York.
+CD Lot's of graphics "tricks", not much on animation and scripting.
- For the details: The
Annotated VRML 97 Reference Manual (the spec as as book and more)
- To move on: "Java for 3D and VRML Worlds" (New Riders ISBN: 1-56205-689-1) by lead Sony ArchLab
research scientists Lea, Matsuda, and Miyashita. Teaches how to
program active VRML scenes with the internal JAVA API (probably not enough).
- To move on further:
"Late Night VRML 2.0 with Java" by Bernie Roehl, Justin Couch, Cindy Reed-Ballreich, Tim Rohaly,
Geoff Brown. (If you want to buy just one single book and you are keen
on interactive stuff, I recommend this one. Note that some EAI code is
outdated, but you can recover from reading the specs).
- Question: Is there a hot book on JavaScripting VRML ?