FrameMaker Tips

... Just copy/paste of stuff, no complaints please :)

               Re: export frame figure as eps?
               30 Sep 1999 07:56:38 GMT
               Burkhard Dietrich Burow 
               Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Zeuthen, Germany

Burkhard Dietrich Burow  wrote:
: I have a figure in frame document
: which I would like to have in eps
: so that I can use it in a latex document.

: How can I do this?

Since posting, I've discovered a solution:

 - Make a copy of the *.doc.
   On each page delete everything but the anchored frame with the figure.
   This also seems to work for tables and anything else.
   [If 'clip'ping does not work in Latex or similar other problems,
    you might try changing the Master page such that there are no margins.]
 - Save the *.doc as *.pdf
   This is available in frame 5.5, but not frame 5.
   [After I discoverd the *.pdf route, someone informed me of
    fixfmps - filter to fix Framemaker documents so PSUtils work
              Part of Angus Duggan's  psutils package.
    I have not tried fixfmps, but for that someone
    the *.ps output by frame then often is usable.]
 - use acroread to print out each page separately as a *.ps
 - use ps2epsi to convert each *.ps to *.epsi

Inside LaTex, I have e.g.

I still think nicest would be
Special -> Anchored Frame -> Print ... eps ... 

Better yet, allow *.eps output for any area in *.doc.

