Simple Xpath extraction 3 with PHP 5

 NOT DONE YET !! Wait a bit - can't make  XSL deal with DomNodes :(
This example grabs an XML file, extracts certain elements (i.e. exercice elements) and then will apply an XSLT stylesheet. It will not work with php 4.x or PHP 5 without XML support installed. So this makes use of: Here is the kind of input this example can deal with:
     <exercise id="" creation-day="28" creation-month="11" creation-year="02" mod-day="" mod-month="" mod-year="" mod-by="" version="" status="draft">

       <staf no="14" ex-number=" 1a "/>
       <title>Home page personnelle</title>
       <description>créer sa homepage en xhtml</description>
       <report report-url=""/>
See simple-xpath1 or 2 for xpath part, i.e. (go back.)

The source (simple-xpath3.phps or simple-xpath3.text is in this same directory. It is freeware :)

  1. exercise: object(DOMElement)#5 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(5) ["previousElementSibling"]=> NULL ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(141) " Home page personnelle créer sa homepage en xhtml " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(141) " Home page personnelle créer sa homepage en xhtml " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#16 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  2. exercise: object(DOMElement)#6 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(5) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(125) " Work Page Mise en place de la page "travaux" " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(125) " Work Page Mise en place de la page "travaux" " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#17 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  3. exercise: object(DOMElement)#7 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(5) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(139) " Personnage et bureau MOO créer son identité sur TecfaMOO " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(139) " Personnage et bureau MOO créer son identité sur TecfaMOO " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#16 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  4. exercise: object(DOMElement)#8 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(4) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(248) " Projet "logiciel de classement de dvd " Projet d'un logiciel de classement de dvd avec base de donnée commune sur le web. Première étape: la dtd " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(248) " Projet "logiciel de classement de dvd " Projet d'un logiciel de classement de dvd avec base de donnée commune sur le web. Première étape: la dtd " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#17 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  5. exercise: object(DOMElement)#9 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(5) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(243) " Premiers Pas Avec XML Créer un dispositif affichant un contenu sous format XML. C'est la première étape du logiciel de classement de dvd " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(243) " Premiers Pas Avec XML Créer un dispositif affichant un contenu sous format XML. C'est la première étape du logiciel de classement de dvd " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#16 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  6. exercise: object(DOMElement)#10 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(5) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(191) " Programmation PHP Création d'un quizz on-line portant sur l'origine des superstitions. " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(191) " Programmation PHP Création d'un quizz on-line portant sur l'origine des superstitions. " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#17 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  7. exercise: object(DOMElement)#11 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(5) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(203) " JavaScript Reprise du quizz de l'exercice précédant et mise au point d'un feedback en Javascript. " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(203) " JavaScript Reprise du quizz de l'exercice précédant et mise au point d'un feedback en Javascript. " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#16 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  8. exercise: object(DOMElement)#12 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(4) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(164) " Exposé Exposé traitant de l'utilité des standards du Web. " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(164) " Exposé Exposé traitant de l'utilité des standards du Web. " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#17 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL
  9. exercise: object(DOMElement)#13 (27) { ["schemaTypeInfo"]=> NULL ["tagName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["className"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(5) ["previousElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextElementSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nodeName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["nodeValue"]=> string(235) " VRML Création d'un page VRML regroupant tous les liens représentatifs de la volée Iris: Homepages, Workpages, Blogs et Portails. " ["nodeType"]=> int(1) ["parentNode"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["parentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["nextSibling"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["attributes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> string(8) "exercise" ["baseURI"]=> string(42) "/web/guides/php/examples/xpath/student.xml" ["textContent"]=> string(235) " VRML Création d'un page VRML regroupant tous les liens représentatifs de la volée Iris: Homepages, Workpages, Blogs et Portails. " } - exercise node name = exercise
    dom fragment: object(DOMDocument)#16 (40) { ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> NULL ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> NULL ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> NULL ["lastElementChild"]=> NULL ["childElementCount"]=> int(0) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> NULL ["lastChild"]=> NULL ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> NULL ["textContent"]=> string(0) "" }
    dom fragment's kids: DOMNodeList Object ( [length] => 0 )
    html fragment: NULL

Last modified: Fri Jan 21 12:30:15 MET 2005