4.5 Installation layouts

This section describes the default layout of the directories created by installing binary and source distributions.

A binary distribution is installed by unpacking it at the installation location you choose (typically `/usr/local/mysql') and creates the following directories in that location:

Directory Contents of directory
`bin' Client programs and the mysqld server
`data' Log files, databases
`include' Include (header) files
`lib' Libraries
`scripts' mysql_install_db
`share/mysql' Error message files
`sql-bench' Benchmarks

A source distribution is installed after you configure and compile it. By default, the installation step installs files under `/usr/local', in the following subdirectories:

Directory Contents of directory
`bin' Client programs and scripts
`include/mysql' Include (header) files
`info' Documentation in Info format
`lib/mysql' Libraries
`libexec' The mysqld server
`share/mysql' Error message files
`sql-bench' Benchmarks and crash-me test
`var' Databases and log files.

Within an installation directory, the layout of a source installation differs from that of a binary installation in the following ways:

  • The mysqld server is installed in the `libexec' directory rather than in the `bin' directory.
  • The data directory is `var' rather than `data'.
  • mysql_install_db is installed in the `/usr/local/bin' directory rather than in `/usr/local/mysql/scripts'.
  • The header file and library directories are `include/mysql' and `lib/mysql' rather than `include' and `lib'.